Acronym | Definition |
ART | Artificial |
ART | Annual Renewable Term (life insurance) |
ART | Article (part of speech) |
ART | Active Release Techniques |
ART | Alternative Risk Transfer |
ART | Assisted Reproductive Technology |
ART | Artillery |
ART | AEF (Air Expeditionary Force) Reporting Tool |
ART | Arterial |
ART | American Repertory Theatre (Cambridge, MA) |
ART | Advanced Research Technologies Inc. |
ART | Advanced Real Time |
ART | Adaptive Resonance Theory |
ART | Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica (Portuguese: Technical Responsibility Note; Brazil) |
ART | Arctica |
ART | Anaheim Resort Transit |
ART | Antiretroviral Therapy (HIV) |
ART | Analysis, Research and Technology (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) |
ART | Assisted Reproductive Techniques |
ART | Android Run Time (software) |
ART | Aseguradora de Riesgos del Trabajo (Spanish: Occupational Hazard Insurance; Argentina) |
ART | Additional Reference (Carrier) Transmission |
ART | Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications |
ART | Aggression Replacement Training |
ART | Average Running Time |
ART | Agile Release Train (software development) |
ART | Alzheimer's Research Trust (UK) |
ART | Advanced Registry Tracer (Windows) |
ART | Al-Rashid Trust (Pakistan) |
ART | Air Reserve Technician (US Air Force) |
ART | Advanced Rider Training (motorcycling) |
ART | All Round Training (children's excellence program) |
ART | Ascott Residence Trust (Singapore) |
ART | Area Review Team (various organizations) |
ART | American Review of Tuberculosis (now American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine) |
ART | Arlington Transit |
ART | Application Response Time (Netscout) |
ART | Adobe Illustrator File |
ART | Audio Reproduction Technology |
ART | Address Resolution Table |
ART | Application Response Time |
ART | Advanced Registry Tracer |
ART | Advanced Recognition Technology |
ART | Alliance of Resident Theatres (New York) |
ART | Air Reserve Technician (USAF Reserve) |
ART | Arab Radio and Television |
ART | Alliance for Responsible Trade |
ART | Anggaran Rumah Tangga (Indonesian: Household Budget) |
ART | Advanced Reproductive Technologies |
ART | Atomic Rocket Turtle (open source software archive) |
ART | Assisted Reproductive Treatment |
ART | Autorité de Régulation des Télécoms (France) |
ART | Autonomic Response Testing |
ART | Assisted Reproductive Therapy |
ART | Adp-Ribosyltransferase |
ART | Automated Regression Testing |
ART | Algebraic Reconstruction Technique(s) |
ART | Audio Response Teller (automated digital bank/credit union teller system) |
ART | Average Room Temperature |
ART | Absolute Return Tracker |
ART | Automotive Retailing Today |
ART | Advanced Recognition Technologies, Inc. (Lawrenceville, GA) |
ART | Alpine Rescue Team (mountain rescue organization in Evergreen, Colorado) |
ART | Agroscope Reckenholz-Taenikon Research Station (Switzerland) |
ART | Assuming Room Temperature |
ART | Archivists Round Table |
ART | Advanced Radar Technology (BMDO) |
ART | Aerospace Research and Technology |
ART | Astoria Transit Center (Amtrak station code; Astoria, OR) |
ART | Automated Reasoning Tool |
ART | Advanced Reactor Technology |
ART | Assessment and Response Team |
ART | American Rubber Technologies |
ART | Aggression Replacement Therapy (behavior management) |
ART | Aerosol Resistant Tip |
ART | Average Resolution Time |
ART | Association of Renal Technologists (UK) |
ART | Accredited Records Technician |
ART | American Refrigerator Transit Co. |
ART | Accelerated Reliability Test |
ART | Asynchronous Remote Takeover |
ART | Albirex Racing Team (Niigata, Japan) |
ART | Avian Rhinotracheitis |
ART | Actuator Running Tool (energy production) |
ART | Acorn RISC Technologies |
ART | Advanced Radiation Technology |
ART | Army Regional Tools (US Army) |
ART | Airborne Radar Technician |
ART | Approaching Room Temperature |
ART | Autism Resource Team |
ART | Administrative Review Team |
ART | Advanced Resolution Technology |
ART | Average Reliable Throughput |
ART | Watertown, NY, USA - Watertown (Airport Code) |
ART | Advanced Registered Technologist (Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science) |
ART | Acoustic Resonance Technology |
ART | Alamo Regional Transit (Texas) |
ART | American Radio Theater (old-time radio) |
ART | African Resources Trust |
ART | Artists' Rights and Theft Prevention Act of 2004 |
ART | Army Reserve Technician |
ART | Associação de Residentes de Telheiras |
ART | Adaptive Rate Transmission |
ART | Administradora de Riesgos de Trabajo (Argentina) |
ART | Advanced Reasoning Tool |
ART | Advanced Repair Technology, Inc |
ART | Automatic Reserve Thrust (aviation) |
ART | Adjusted Reference Temperature |
ART | Abstands-Regel-Tempomat (German) |
ART | Adverse Reactions Terminology (WHO) |
ART | Authorite de Regulation des Telecommunications (France) |
ART | Army Tactical Task |
ART | Achilles Tendon Reflex Test |
ART | Automatic Revision Tracking |
ART | Azzura Robot Team (Italian National Team in autonomous robot competitions) |
ART | Advanced Radio Telecommunications |
ART | Johnson-Grace Compressed Image (file extension) |
ART | Automatic Reporting Telephone |
ART | Advanced Rotocraft Technology |
ART | Auxiliary Resonant Tank |
ART | Angle-Resolved Transmission |
ART | Aerial Refueling Track |
ART | Assessment Recovery Team |
ART | Architecture Review Team |
ART | Alarm Reporting Telephone |
ART | Asset Reliability Technology |
ART | Available Resource Technology (Mat Bevel Institute) |
ART | Applied Resource Technologies |
ART | Aerosol Release and Transport |
ART | Ambiguity Reference Tone |
ART | Air-Launched Radiation Thermometer |
ART | Air Rider Transport Inc. (hovercraft transportation manufacturer) |
ART | Aqueous Recycle Technologies |
ART | Airborne Receive Terminal |
ART | Advanced Rotocraft Transmission |
ART | Asymmetric Rear Triangle (mountain bikes) |
ART | Alvarez Racing Team |
ART | Aircraft Radar Turbulence |
ART | Asphalt Residual Treatment |
ART | Automated Ranging and Tracking |
ART | Arithmetic Relevance Testing |
ART | Acceptance Review Team |
ART | Alternate Resonance Toning |
ART | Army Regional Threats |
ART | Attentional Restoration Theory |
ART | Active Reference Table |
ART | Automate Rapide Transilien (French) |
ART | Access Routing Tool |
ART | airfield reference temperature |
ART | Auto Reserve Thrust (aviation system) |
ART | Accredited Report Technician (healthcare) |
ART | Aggregate Rate of Taxation |