Acronym | Definition |
ABR | Accredited Buyers Representative (real estate certification) |
ABR | Advance Baton Rouge (Baton Rouge, LA) |
ABR | Abraham |
ABR | Auditory Brainstem Response (audiology) |
ABR | August Burns Red (band) |
ABR | Abridged |
ABR | American Board of Radiology |
ABR | Adaptive Bit Rate (computer streaming) |
ABR | Available Bit Rate |
ABR | American Book Review (est. 1977; publication) |
ABR | Area Border Router (Sprint) |
ABR | Average Bit Rate |
ABR | Automatic Baud Rate |
ABR | Automatic Bios Recovery |
ABR | Auto Busy Redial |
ABR | Adobe Brushes File |
ABR | Automatic Beacon Removal |
ABR | Automatic Backup and Recovery |
ABR | Advanced Bit Rate |
ABR | Auxiliary Bass Radiator |
ABR | Answer Bit Ratio |
ABR | Area Border Router |
ABR | as Billed Rate |
ABR | Australian Business Register |
ABR | Approved Budget Request |
ABR | Association of British Residents (Sri Lanka) |
ABR | Annualized Base Rent |
ABR | Adolescent Birth Rate |
ABR | Auditory Brain Stem Response |
ABR | Architectural Barrier Removal (various locations) |
ABR | Average Bit Rate (sound encoding) |
ABR | Anaerobic Baffled Reactor |
ABR | Associativity-Based Routing |
ABR | Angle Bracket (timber connector) |
ABR | African Business Roundtable |
ABR | Automatic Baud Rate (storage technique) |
ABR | Automatic Budget Reallocation |
ABR | American Bicycle Racing (Kenosha, WI) |
ABR | Aberdeen, SD, USA - Aberdeen Regional Airport (Airport Code) |
ABR | Arbres Binaires de Recherche (French: Binary Search Trees) |
ABR | Agreement for Boat Repair |
ABR | Academic Bill of Rights |
ABR | Angiographic Binary Restenosis |
ABR | Absolute Bed Rest |
ABR | Association of Battery Recyclers |
ABR | American Born Russian |
ABR | Acrylate-Butadiene Rubber |
ABR | Accomplishment Based Renewal (US NSF) |
ABR | Area Business Representative |
ABR | Australian Book of Reference (Australian Defence Force) |
ABR | Adult Breastfeeding Relationship |
ABR | Audiometric Brainstem Response (neurology) |
ABR | Abortus-Bang Ring (test) |
ABR | Above Base Rate |
ABR | Average Broker Recommendation (Zacks investing reports) |
ABR | Applied Benefits Research |
ABR | Alex Brown Racing |
ABR | Aero-Ballistic Rocket |
ABR | Airborne Relay |
ABR | Averaged Brainstem Response |
ABR | Accelerated Benefits Rider (life insurance) |
ABR | Answer to Bid Ratio (telecommunications) |
ABR | Average Bandwidth Requirement |
ABR | Advanced Breeder Reactor |
ABR | Amphibian Boat Reconnaissance |
ABR | Attogen Biomedical Research |
ABR | Abdominal Bowel Resection |
ABR | Advanced Battery Research |
ABR | Autonomous Boundary Router |
ABR | Array Based Replication (storage technique) |
ABR | Additional Billet Requirements |
ABR | Automatic Bandwidth Response (Digital Link) |
ABR | As Built Reconciliation |
ABR | Agreement Boat Repair |
ABR | Average Breath Rate |
ABR | Accrued Benefit Ratio |
ABR | Advanced Bus Remanufacturing |