ABRAccredited Buyers Representative (real estate certification)
ABRAdvance Baton Rouge (Baton Rouge, LA)
ABRAuditory Brainstem Response (audiology)
ABRAugust Burns Red (band)
ABRAmerican Board of Radiology
ABRAdaptive Bit Rate (computer streaming)
ABRAvailable Bit Rate
ABRAmerican Book Review (est. 1977; publication)
ABRArea Border Router (Sprint)
ABRAverage Bit Rate
ABRAutomatic Baud Rate
ABRAutomatic Bios Recovery
ABRAuto Busy Redial
ABRAdobe Brushes File
ABRAutomatic Beacon Removal
ABRAutomatic Backup and Recovery
ABRAdvanced Bit Rate
ABRAuxiliary Bass Radiator
ABRAnswer Bit Ratio
ABRArea Border Router
ABRas Billed Rate
ABRAustralian Business Register
ABRApproved Budget Request
ABRAssociation of British Residents (Sri Lanka)
ABRAnnualized Base Rent
ABRAdolescent Birth Rate
ABRAuditory Brain Stem Response
ABRArchitectural Barrier Removal (various locations)
ABRAverage Bit Rate (sound encoding)
ABRAnaerobic Baffled Reactor
ABRAssociativity-Based Routing
ABRAngle Bracket (timber connector)
ABRAfrican Business Roundtable
ABRAutomatic Baud Rate (storage technique)
ABRAutomatic Budget Reallocation
ABRAmerican Bicycle Racing (Kenosha, WI)
ABRAberdeen, SD, USA - Aberdeen Regional Airport (Airport Code)
ABRArbres Binaires de Recherche (French: Binary Search Trees)
ABRAgreement for Boat Repair
ABRAcademic Bill of Rights
ABRAngiographic Binary Restenosis
ABRAbsolute Bed Rest
ABRAssociation of Battery Recyclers
ABRAmerican Born Russian
ABRAcrylate-Butadiene Rubber
ABRAccomplishment Based Renewal (US NSF)
ABRArea Business Representative
ABRAustralian Book of Reference (Australian Defence Force)
ABRAdult Breastfeeding Relationship
ABRAudiometric Brainstem Response (neurology)
ABRAbortus-Bang Ring (test)
ABRAbove Base Rate
ABRAverage Broker Recommendation (Zacks investing reports)
ABRApplied Benefits Research
ABRAlex Brown Racing
ABRAero-Ballistic Rocket
ABRAirborne Relay
ABRAveraged Brainstem Response
ABRAccelerated Benefits Rider (life insurance)
ABRAnswer to Bid Ratio (telecommunications)
ABRAverage Bandwidth Requirement
ABRAdvanced Breeder Reactor
ABRAmphibian Boat Reconnaissance
ABRAttogen Biomedical Research
ABRAbdominal Bowel Resection
ABRAdvanced Battery Research
ABRAutonomous Boundary Router
ABRArray Based Replication (storage technique)
ABRAdditional Billet Requirements
ABRAutomatic Bandwidth Response (Digital Link)
ABRAs Built Reconciliation
ABRAgreement Boat Repair
ABRAverage Breath Rate
ABRAccrued Benefit Ratio
ABRAdvanced Bus Remanufacturing