SHMSociety of Hospital Medicine (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
SHMStructural Health Monitoring
SHMSwedish House Mafia (music group)
SHMSomatic Hypermutation (immune system)
SHMSimple Harmonic Motion
SHMStatens Historiska Museum (Swedish: State Historical Museum)
SHMShaman (Everquest)
SHMShell Macro
SHMShared Memory
SHMSean Hyland Motorsport (Canada)
SHMSub-Harmonic Mixer
SHMSterling Hall of Medicine (Yale University; New Haven, CT)
SHMSporadic Hemiplegic Migraine
SHMSpace Hydrogen Maser (Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space)
SHMSociale Huisvestingsmaatschappij (Dutch: Social Housing Company; Belgium)
SHMSubretinal Hyperreflective Material (eye health)
SHMSystem Hardware Monitor
SHMShort Hold Mode
SHMScalar Helium Magnetometer
SHMServicio Histórico Militar (Spanish: Military Service History)
SHMSilver Haired Men (gaming, Final Fanasy 7)
SHMShoreham Airport
SHMStock Horse Mare (Breyer mold)
SHMSingle Hispanic Male
SHMShips Heading Marker
SHMSafety and Health Manager
SHMSection 8 Housing Manager (National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials)
SHMShutter Mechanism
SHMSpooky Hockey Mask
SHMSolar Helium Magnetometer
SHMSafehold Mode
SHMShower, Hair, Makeup