SPEARSocial Policy Evaluation and Research (New Zealand)
SPEARSociety for the Promotion of Education and Research (Belize)
SPEARSpontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response (self defense system)
SPEARStanford Positron Electron Accelerating Ring (particle physics accelerator)
SPEARSpecial Operations Forces Equipment Advanced Requirements
SPEARSecurity Protocol Engineering and Analysis Resource
SPEARSeismic Performance Assessment and Rehabilitation (EU research project)
SPEARSurface Profile Analysis Reflectometer
SPEARSpeech Enhancement Assessment Resource
SPEARSelectable Precision Effects At Range
SPEARSelected Pollution Equipment Availability Register
SPEARSingapore Prisons Emergency and Action Response
SPEARSignal Processing Environment for Analysis and Reduction
SPEARStrategic Planning Enterprise Architecture and Requirements
SPEARSLQ-32 Program Evaluation And Review
SPEARSustained Performance Excellence, Assessment and Review (trademark of Business Assessment Services; Pretoria, South Africa)
SPEARSignal Processing, Evaluation, Alerting & Reporting
SPEARStandardized Patriot Evaluation and Assessment Reporting (US Army Air Defense Artillery)