RBIRuns Batted In (baseball)
RBIReserve Bank of India (central bank of India)
RBIRisk-Based Inspection
RBIRussell Bedford International (est. 1983; accounting network)
RBIRiver Bible Institute (Tampa, FL)
RBIRisk Based Inspection
RBIRollback Indicator
RBIRemote Bus Interface
RBIRepair Body Intersections
RBIReutilization Business Integration (US DoD)
RBIRadio Berlin International
RBIRight Bronchus Intermedius
RBIRadio Bluegrass International (Owensboro, KY)
RBIReuters Business Insight (joint venture)
RBIRomain Brette Investissement (French: Romain Brette Investment)
RBIRelative Bearing Indicator
RBIRipple Blanking Input (digital electronics)
RBIRigid Board Insulation (stucco)
RBIRebirthing Breathwork International
RBIRezé Basket International (French: Rezé International Basketball; Rezé, France)
RBIRemote Bus Isolator
RBIRevitalizing Baseball in the Inner Cities
RBIResults Based Incentive
RBIRe-Based Impact
RBIRepetitive Brain Injury
RBIReply By Indorsement
RBIReally Big Ice-Cream (Walgreens commercial)
RBIRetail Business Information
RBIRhythm Band Instruments, Inc (Fort Worth, TX)
RBIRedeemer Broadcasting Inc. (radio and internet ministry; Olivebridge, NY)
RBIRichard Barbett International (France)
RBIResource Based Investment
RBIRotor-Body Interaction
RBIReal Biblical Inspiration
RBIRech Brûleurs Industriels (French: Rech Industrial Burners)