Acronym | Definition |
RBI | Runs Batted In (baseball) |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India (central bank of India) |
RBI | Risk-Based Inspection |
RBI | Russell Bedford International (est. 1983; accounting network) |
RBI | River Bible Institute (Tampa, FL) |
RBI | Risk Based Inspection |
RBI | Rollback Indicator |
RBI | Remote Bus Interface |
RBI | Repair Body Intersections |
RBI | Reutilization Business Integration (US DoD) |
RBI | Radio Berlin International |
RBI | Right Bronchus Intermedius |
RBI | Radio Bluegrass International (Owensboro, KY) |
RBI | Reuters Business Insight (joint venture) |
RBI | Romain Brette Investissement (French: Romain Brette Investment) |
RBI | Relative Bearing Indicator |
RBI | Ripple Blanking Input (digital electronics) |
RBI | Rigid Board Insulation (stucco) |
RBI | Rebirthing Breathwork International |
RBI | Rezé Basket International (French: Rezé International Basketball; Rezé, France) |
RBI | Remote Bus Isolator |
RBI | Revitalizing Baseball in the Inner Cities |
RBI | Results Based Incentive |
RBI | Re-Based Impact |
RBI | Repetitive Brain Injury |
RBI | Reply By Indorsement |
RBI | Really Big Ice-Cream (Walgreens commercial) |
RBI | Retail Business Information |
RBI | Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc (Fort Worth, TX) |
RBI | Redeemer Broadcasting Inc. (radio and internet ministry; Olivebridge, NY) |
RBI | Richard Barbett International (France) |
RBI | Resource Based Investment |
RBI | Rotor-Body Interaction |
RBI | Real Biblical Inspiration |
RBI | Rech Brûleurs Industriels (French: Rech Industrial Burners) |