SIADSupersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator (US NASA)
SIADSierra Army Depot
SIADShort Interval Additional Dose (medication)
SIADSerial Interface Adapter Device
SIADSelf Injury Awareness Day
SIADStatistical Information Analysis Division
SIADSustainable Integrated Area Development
SIADSystème Informatique d'Aide à la Décision (French: decision support system)
SIADSocieta Italiana Acetilene e Derivati (Italian: Italian Company of Acetylene and Derivatives; Bergamo, Italy)
SIADSyndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion
SIADSystème d'Information et d'Aide au Détachement (French: System Information and Support Secondment)
SIADSynergistic Isogenous Active Decontamination (Synergena)
SIADSmart Integrated Access Device
SIADSisteme de Asistare a Deciziei (Romania)
SIADSociety of Illustrators, Artists & Designers