SICStandard Industrial Classification
SIC[not an acronym] Latin: thus; so (not a mistake and is to be read as it stands)
SICSilicon Carbide
SICSchool Improvement Council
SICStatement of Internal Control (UK)
SICStudents in Construction (California)
SICSecond In Command (aviation)
SICSistema Interconectado Central (Spanish: Central Interconnected System; Chile)
SICSuperintendencia de Industria y Comercio (Colombia)
SICSea Isle City (New Jersey)
SICSystèmes d'Information et de Commandement (French: Information Systems Command)
SICSmart Interface Card
SICSeat in Coach (tours & travels)
SICSuccessive Interference Cancellation
SICSenate Intelligence Committee
SICSepang International Circuit (Malaysia)
SICShimane International Center (Japan)
SICSistema Informativo Comunale (Italian: Municipal Information System)
SICSport Interuniversitaire Canadien (French: Canadian Interuniversity Sport; Canada)
SICSistema Internacional de Cotizaciones (Spanish: International Quotation System; Mexico)
SICShetland Islands Council
SICStanding Interpretations Committee (International Accounting Standards)
SICSimple Irc Client
SICSerial Interface Card
SICStandard Interface Controller
SICSoftware Integrated Circuit
SICStandard Industrial Code
SICSpecial Indicator Codes
SICStill Image Capture
SICSiti di Importanza Comunitaria
SICSelf Interference Cancellation (wireless communications)
SICSan Isidro Club (rugby; Argentina)
SICSwiss Interbank Clearing
SICSudbury Igneous Complex (lopolith; Canada)
SICSite d'Importance Communautaire (French: Site of Community Importance; EU)
SICSupreme Islamic Council
SICState Investment Council
SICScience and Industry Council (UK)
SICSocietà Italiana di Chirurgia
SICSister in Christ
SICSociedade Independente de Comunicação (Portuguese TV Channel)
SICShortfall Interest Charge (taxes; Australia)
SICService Informatique Central (French)
SICSelf-Interaction Correction
SICStudies in Informatics and Control
SICSocietà Italiana di Cardiologia
SICState Information Center
SICSergeant in Charge
SICSpelling Is Correct
SICScience in Context
SICStandard Industry Codes
SICSisters in Crime
SICShareware Industry Conference
SICSheffield International College (UK)
SICSiecor (optical cable)
SICSchengen Implementing Convention (Schengen, Luxembourg)
SICSilicon Integrated Circuit
SICShielding Information Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
SICSomewhere in Canada
SICSea Ice Concentration
SICSerial Interface Chip (computer architecture)
SICSmart Interchange (expressway; Japan)
SICSysteme d'Information et de Communication
SICScottsdale Insurance Company
SICScientific Instrument Commission
SICState Investment Corporation
SICSilence Is Consent
SICSecurities Information Center (Thompson Financial, Boston, MA)
SICStudent Innovation Center (various schools)
SICSimple Interval Calculation
SICSemi-Interactive Console
SICSpecial Investigation Committee
SICStudents for International Change (various locations)
SICSignal, Image, Communications
SICSilence Implies Consent
SICSoft Interference Cancellation
SICStudent Involvement Center (various schools)
SICSociété Internationale de Criminologie (French: International Society of Criminology)
SICSudan Interior Church
SICStudent Involvement Committee (various organizations)
SICSceptre Investment Counsel (Canada)
SICSelf Inspection Checklist
SICStudent Issues Committee (various schools)
SICSubject Indicator Code
SICSemi-Intensive Course
SICSecurity Information Center (Deutsche Telekom, Darmstadt, Germany)
SICSerial Interference Cancellation
SICStock Investment Club (various locations)
SICShafston International College
SICSingle Input Change
SICSystems Integration Center
SICSafety Inspection Checklist
SICSystem in A Cube
SICStop Infant Circumcision
SICSalmon in the Classroom (University of Washington)
SICSodankylä Ion Chemistry
SICSiculian (linguistics)
SICSchool Improvement Conference (various locations)
SICSupplementary Interest Charge
SICState Infrastructure Council (Florida)
SICSpecific Inductive Capacity
SICStudent Initiated Course
SICStudent's Income Contribution (universities)
SICSubsea Installation Contract (petroleum industry)
SICStandard Initial Charge (UK)
SICSubtractive Interference Cancellation
SICSpelling in Context (mnemonic for the Latin meaning 'thus so')
SICSystem Identification Code
SICSee Inside Cover
SICSociete International de Chirurgie (French: International Society of Surgery)
SICSpacecraft Identification Code
SICSpecial Interest Code
SICSystemes Integres Cognitifs (French: Integrative Cognitive Systems)
SICSelf-Intermittent Catheterization
SICSpecial Interest Community
SICSanctuary in Chaos (gaming)
SICSupport Identification Code
SICSmoke in Cabin (aviation)
SICSemantic Integrity Constraints (Telcordia)
SICSystem Integration Contractor
SICSpatial Information Clearinghouse
SICStructured Intellectual Capital
SICSurvival Instructor Course
SICStructural Integrity Checking
SICSpecial Issues Committee
SICSerial Interrupt Controller
SICSurvey Information Center
SICStandard Interface Connector
SICStochastic Inventory Control (supply chain management)
SICSemaine Internationale du Cerveau (French)
SICSafety Interlock Circuit
SICSupporto Informatico Campus
SICSegundo Informação Recolhida
SICStudent Information Commission
SICSprint Internet Center
SICSimple Instance Creator
SICStructural Influence Coefficient
SICStation Information Computer
SICSpecial Intelligence Correlator (segment)
SICSuspected Irregular Conduct
SICSystèmes d'Information et Conception (French)
SICSystem Integrity Control
SICSaudi Innovation Conference
SICService Interface Card
SICSyrian Information Center (website)
SICSingle Integrated Concept
SICSnapshot and Incremental Capture (storage technique)
SICSuper Intelligence Corps
SICSympathetic Interpreter of Commands
SICSubject Identifier Code
SICStrong Interference Channel
SICSpecialty and Intermediary Chemical
SICSonar Information Center
SICStrategic Integration Council
SICSkaters in Chucks (skateboard crew; Atlanta, GA)
SICSystems Internal Communication
SICSubscriber Interface Controller