Acronym | Definition |
SBM | Single Black Male |
SBM | Subject Benchmarking (higher education) |
SBM | Submit |
SBM | Shiatsu Back Massager |
SBM | School-Based Management (education) |
SBM | Sport Business Management (various schools) |
SBM | Societè des Bains de Mer (Monte-Carlo) |
SBM | Science-Based Medicine |
SBM | Single Building Model |
SBM | Small Business Manufacturing |
SBM | Stand by Mode |
SBM | Small Business Manager |
SBM | Super Bit Mapping |
SBM | Subscriber Module |
SBM | Solution Build Model |
SBM | State Bar of Michigan |
SBM | Smart Boot Manager |
SBM | Single Buoy Mooring |
SBM | State Bank of Mysore (India) |
SBM | Super Bit Mapping (Sony CD mastering technology) |
SBM | Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática (Portuguese: Brazilian Mathematical Society; est. 1969) |
SBM | Strategic Brand Management (various organizations) |
SBM | State-Based Marketplace (Medicaid) |
SBM | Small Business Manufacturing (MISys, Inc.) |
SBM | Society of Behavioral Medicine |
SBM | Small Business Marketing |
SBM | Stand By Me |
SBM | Sustainable Business Management |
SBM | Strength-Based Model (counseling) |
SBM | Soya Bean Meal |
SBM | Student Brand Manager (internship program) |
SBM | Spin Boson Model (physics) |
SBM | Solaris Bandwidth Manager (software) |
SBM | Smash Bros Melee (game) |
SBM | Steamed Bone Meal (plant fertilizer) |
SBM | School-Based Mentoring (various schools) |
SBM | Saudi Business Machines Ltd |
SBM | Subnet Bandwidth Management |
SBM | Synthetic Based Mud (oil drilling) |
SBM | Subic Bay Marine (US and Philippines) |
SBM | Successor by Merger |
SBM | Schwertley Brothers Manufacturing LLC (Logan, IA) |
SBM | Systematic Botany Monographs (American Society of Plant Taxonomists) |
SBM | Supply Base Management |
SBM | Satellite Broadcast Manager |
SBM | South Bay Mobilization (San Jose, CA) |
SBM | Silver Bow Montessori (Butte, MT) |
SBM | Serena Business Mashups (Serena Software, Inc.) |
SBM | State Board of Mediation |
SBM | Swedish Bike Meet |
SBM | Suzhou Best Metal Products Co., Ltd. (steel tubing manufacturer; China) |
SBM | Société Belge de Malacologie (French: Belgian Society of Malacology) |
SBM | Single Building Model (Architecture, Engineering & Construction Computer-Aided Design) |
SBM | Satellite Broadcast Management (GBS) |
SBM | Single Bitmap |
SBM | Short Burst Messaging (initial name given to Short Burst Data) |
SBM | Shared Buffer Memory |
SBM | Suicidal Black Metal (music genre) |
SBM | Strong Bad Mod (gaming) |
SBM | Space Battle Manager |
SBM | Structure Based Model (biophysical model for biomolecules) |
SBM | Société des Bains de Mer et du Cercle des Etrangers à Monaco SA (French: Sea Bathing Society and Foreigners' Circle of Monaco) |
SBM | Stichting Bevordering Milieukunde |
SBM | Space Based Missile |
SBM | Scroll Bar Message (Windows programming) |
SBM | Simplified Body Model |
SBM | St. Louis, Brownsville, & Mexico Railroad |
SBM | Support Business Manager |
SBM | Silver Business Manager |
SBM | Sunflower Birth Mothers |