Acronym | Definition |
SBO | SAP Business One |
SBO | Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG (Austria) |
SBO | Spina Bifida Occulta |
SBO | Special Building Overlay (Australia) |
SBO | Support Black Owned |
SBO | Student Body Organization (various locations) |
SBO | Snoop Back Off |
SBO | Service Based Object |
SBO | Super Battle Opera (Japanese fighting video game tournament) |
SBO | Small Bowel Obstruction |
SBO | Skull Base Osteomyelitis (disease) |
SBO | Small Business Owner |
SBO | Successful Business Owner |
SBO | School Board Office (various locations) |
SBO | Soybean Oil |
SBO | State Budget Office (various locations) |
SBO | Sky Box Office (UK pay TV) |
SBO | Small Business Opportunity |
SBO | Serviced by Others (loans) |
SBO | Single Business Office (various locations) |
SBO | Synchronous Bandwidth Optimizer |
SBO | Small Branch Office (various companies) |
SBO | Senior British Officer |
SBO | Safari Books Online (Sebastopol, CA) |
SBO | Strategic Business Objective |
SBO | Systems Biology Ontology |
SBO | |
SBO | Service-Based Operator (telecommunications) |
SBO | Small Business Optimization (various companies) |
SBO | Secundair Beroepsonderwijs (Dutch: Secondary Professional Education) |
SBO | Specific Behavioral Objective |
SBO | Senior Budget Official (various organizations) |
SBO | Should Be One (electronics, when a set of bits should be on) |
SBO | Select Before Operate (control and automation) |
SBO | Security By Obscurity |
SBO | Student Body Officer |
SBO | Sales-Based Ordering |
SBO | Safety Behavior Observation |
SBO | Senator Barack Obama |
SBO | Soil-Based Organism (probiotic bacteria) |
SBO | Special Bureau for the Oceans (IERS) |
SBO | Secondary Buy-Out (mergers & acquisitions) |
SBO | State Based Organisation |
SBO | Service Business Object |
SBO | Solo Business Owner |
SBO | Société Belge d'Ostéopathie (French: Belgian Society of Osteopathy) |
SBO | Station Black Out (nuclear power plant) |
SBO | Sydney Booking Office (Sydney, Australia) |
SBO | Scottish Bibliographies Online (UK) |
SBO | Small Block Oldsmobile (automotive engine) |
SBO | Side Band Only |
SBO | Sound Board Operator (theatre) |
SBO | Safety By Observation |
SBO | Second Bookable Offence (soccer foul) |
SBO | Super Beetles Only (club) |
SBO | Special Bid Order |
SBO | Sean Bean Online (actor fansite) |
SBO | Situation, Behaviour, Outcome (work competency model) |
SBO | Supplied by Owner |
SBO | Safety Boat Operator (UK) |