Acronym | Definition |
SPBA | Swiss Private Bankers Association |
SPBA | Society of Professional Benefit Administrators |
SPBA | Singapore Promising Brand Award |
SPBA | Société Pétrolière du Bec d'Ambès (French oil company) |
SPBA | Senior Professional Baseball Association |
SPBA | Scottish Pipe Band Association |
SPBA | Saskatchewan Pipe Band Association (Canada) |
SPBA | Spartina Bakeri (sand cordgrass, switchgrass) |
SPBA | Stormy Petrel Bar Association (Oglethorpe University) |
SPBA | Seneca Powerboat Association |
SPBA | Singapore Powerboat Association |
SPBA | South Perry Business Association |
SPBA | Sun Parlour Baseball Association |
SPBA | Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens) |
SPBA | Silent Partner Body Armor |
SPBA | Sponsored Project Budget Authorization |
SPBA | Success Profiles Benchmarking Analysis |
SPBA | Southern Permian Basin Area |
SPBA | San Pablo Baseball Association (California) |
SPBA | St Petersburg Bowling Association |
SPBA | Stanford Pre-Business Association |
SPBA | St Petersburg Ballet Academy |
SPBA | South Plains Bankers Association |
SPBA | Syracuse Police Benevolent Association |
SPBA | Strategic Planning Budgeting and Assessment |
SPBA | St Paul Basketball Association |
SPBA | South Philadelphia Blocks Association |
SPBA | Sao Paolo Bluegrass Association (Brasil) |
SPBA | Special Permit, Board of Appeals |
SPBA | South Plants Balance of Areas |
SPBA | Statement Processing Benchmarking Association |
SPBA | Stonewall Professional and Business Association (Dallas, TX) |
SPBA | Syracuse Play-Based Assessment |
SPBA | Secondary Performance-Based Agreement |
SPBA | Sandy Plains Baseball Association (Marietta, GA) |
SPBA | Selkirk-Priest Basin Association |
SPBA | Security Pacific Bank Alaska |
SPBA | Scientific Poultry Breeders Association |