Acronym | Definition |
REEC | Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias (Spanish: Electronic Journal of Science Education) |
REEC | Rare Earth Elements and Compounds (conference) |
REEC | Revista Eletrônica de Engenharia Civil (Portuguese: Electronic Journal of Civil Engineering; Brazil) |
REEC | Real Estate Executive Council (trade association; Chicago, IL) |
REEC | Re-Entry Court (judicial system; Cuyahoga County, Ohio) |
REEC | Rat Esophageal Epithelial Cells |
REEC | Russian and East European Center (Champaign, IL) |
REEC | Regional Environmental Enrichment Conference (International Conference on Environmental Enrichment) |
REEC | Regional Energy Efficiency Centre (various locations) |
REEC | Real Estate Equities Corporation (New York) |
REEC | Regional Environmental Education Center (Pennsylvania) |
REEC | Réseau Européen d'Etudes Canadiennes (French: European Network for Canadian Studies) |
REEC | Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional (Union Grove, WI) |
REEC | Revista Espagnola de Educacion Comparada (Spanish: Journal of Spanish Comparative Education) |
REEC | Regional Earth's Environment Center (Hungary) |
REEC | Riverina Environmental Education Centre (Australia) |
REEC | Real Estate Education Center (various locations) |
REEC | Regional Dairy Extension and Education Committee (Australia) |
REEC | Renewable Energy Expertise Corporation (Ontario, Canada) |
REEC | Reach Ethylene Oxide and Ethlylene Glycols Consortium |
REEC | Rural Environment and Empowerment Center (Nepal) |