Acronym | Definition |
SPD | Sensory Processing Disorder |
SPD | Serial Presence Detect |
SPD | Summary Plan Description |
SPD | Speed |
SPD | Security Policy Database |
SPD | Seattle Police Department (Washington) |
SPD | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German Social Democrat Party) |
SPD | Software Product Description |
SPD | Solar Physics Division |
SPD | Society of Publication Designers |
SPD | San Pedro (Amtrak station code; San Pedro, CA) |
SPD | State Police Department (various locations) |
SPD | Strategic Planning and Development (various organizations) |
SPD | Surge Protective Device |
SPD | Severe Plastic Deformation (metalworking) |
SPD | Skin Picking Disorder |
SPD | Suspended Particle Device |
SPD | Sony Pictures Digital (est. 2000; Sony Corporation) |
SPD | Sterile Processing Department (healthcare) |
SPD | Special Police Dekaranger (Japanese Super Sentai series) |
SPD | Savannah Police Department (Savannah, GA) |
SPD | Serious Psychological Distress |
SPD | Speed Dial |
SPD | Springfield Police Department |
SPD | Speech Decoder |
SPD | Spreadsheet File |
SPD | Simulated Pulse Driving |
SPD | Simplified Postscript Description |
SPD | Software Product Descriptions |
SPD | Simplified Printer Description |
SPD | Symbol Previously Declared |
SPD | System Product Division |
SPD | Service Provider Descriptor |
SPD | Surge Protection Device |
SPD | State Project Director (India) |
SPD | Sadistic Personality Disorder |
SPD | Sustainable Peace and Development (various organizations) |
SPD | Spectral Power Distribution |
SPD | Software Planning & Development (Nintendo) |
SPD | Society for the Physically Disabled |
SPD | South Pacific Division |
SPD | Space Patrol Delta (Power Rangers cartoon series) |
SPD | Single Programming Document (EU) |
SPD | Schizotypal Personality Disorder |
SPD | Speed Mode (aviation) |
SPD | Schizoid Personality Disorder (psychology) |
SPD | St. Philip the Deacon (Plymouth, MN) |
SPD | Strategic Product Design (Delft University of Technology) |
SPD | Somerville Police Department (Somerville, NJ) |
SPD | Saidpur, Bangladesh (Airport Code) |
SPD | Supply, Processing and Distribution |
SPD | South Park District (San Francisco, CA) |
SPD | Shimano Pedaling Dynamics |
SPD | Survey of Program Dynamics |
SPD | Sterile Processing and Distribution (hospitals) |
SPD | Semantic Pragmatic Disorder |
SPD | Sheppard AFB (Wichita Falls, TX) |
SPD | Separation Program Designator |
SPD | Society for Pediatric Dermatology (Indianapolis, IN) |
SPD | Segreteria Particolare del Duce (Italian: Special Secretary of the Duce) |
SPD | Strategic Product Development (various organizations) |
SPD | Strategic Planning Directorate (various locations) |
SPD | Speckled Dace (fish) |
SPD | Synchrotron Powder Diffraction (diffraction analysis) |
SPD | Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction |
SPD | Standard Procedural Database |
SPD | Stoneham Police Department (Stoneham, MA) |
SPD | System Program Director |
SPD | Storage Pool Deficiency (platelet) |
SPD | Seniors and Persons with Disabilities |
SPD | Sum of the Products of Diameters (oncology) |
SPD | Standard Periodical Directory (publication) |
SPD | Space Product Development (NASA) |
SPD | Special Planning & Development (software development; Nintendo) |
SPD | Special Products Division |
SPD | Syracuse Police Department |
SPD | Single-Photon Detector |
SPD | Square Plaque Diffuser (energy equipment) |
SPD | Six-Port (Phase/Frequency) Discriminator |
SPD | Service Provider Domain |
SPD | Salem Police Department (USA) |
SPD | Salmon Poisoning Disease |
SPD | Selective Packet Discard (Cisco) |
SPD | Spyware Process Detector (software) |
SPD | Symmetric and Positive Definite |
SPD | Scheduling, Pricing and Dispatch |
SPD | Special Programs Division (Environmental Technology Centre unit, Canada) |
SPD | Simultaneous Product Development (software) |
SPD | Stillwater Police Department (Stillwater, OK, USA) |
SPD | System Products Division |
SPD | Sterile Processing/Distribution |
SPD | Schenectady Police Department |
SPD | Southern Procurement Division (US Navy) |
SPD | Spinning Piledriver (gaming) |
SPD | Safety Policy Directorate (United Kingdom) |
SPD | Serving Profile Database (UMTS function of the Call State Control Function, CSCF) |
SPD | Salutem Plurimam Dicit (Latin: many greetings; letter salutation) |
SPD | Solution Planning Directive |
SPD | Sequenced Parts Delivery (automotive manufacturing) |
SPD | Surprise Police Department (Surprize, AZ) |
SPD | Ship Project Directive |
SPD | System Program Directorate |
SPD | Solutions Provider Distributor |
SPD | Scouting Peerke Donders (Oldenzaal, The Netherlands) |
SPD | Serial Parallel Digital |
SPD | Science Programs Division (STSCI) |
SPD | Smokey Point Distributing, Inc |
SPD | System Program Description |
SPD | Standards Planning Database |
SPD | Standardized Position Description |
SPD | Shenandoah Police Department (Virginia) |
SPD | Stability/Plasticity Dilemma |
SPD | Software Process Development |
SPD | Pseudo-Parameter Design Method |
SPD | Surplus Plutonium Deposition |
SPD | Single-Purpose Device |
SPD | Source to Plane Distance |
SPD | Structures and Pneudraulics Division |
SPD | Seaford Police Department |
SPD | Supplementary Provisioning Data |
SPD | Sorties Per Day |
SPD | Sales Programme Development |
SPD | Subjective Probability Distribution |
SPD | Scale, Permutation, and Delay |
SPD | Specialist, Animal Handler (US Navy) |
SPD | Soybean Processing Division |
SPD | Society for Participatory Development (India) |
SPD | Strategy, Policy and Delivery (UK) |
SPD | Security Police Desk |
SPD | Secondary Policy Database (Safenet) |
SPD | Systems Project Development |
SPD | Specific Position Description |
SPD | Standard Processing Stage (Infrared Space Observatory data analysis) |
SPD | Server Product Divison |
SPD | Seabrook Police Department (Seabrook, TX) |
SPD | Senioren Partei Deutschlands |