SAPSSouth African Police Service
SAPSSchool of Applied Sciences (various schools)
SAPSScience and Plants for Schools (biology program)
SAPSStatistical Analysis of Protein Sequences
SAPSStand Alone Power Systems
SAPSSuccessive Alkalinity-Producing System (used to treat acid leachate)
SAPSSpectator Amateur Press Society (est. 1947)
SAPSSimplified Acute Physiology Scores
SAPSScaling and Probabilistic Smoothing (algorithm)
SAPSSkills, Abilities, Potential and Suitability (interviewing and evaluation)
SAPSSatellite Antenna Protection System (US DoD)
SAPSSwedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences
SAPSSulphated Ash Phosphorus Sulphur
SAPSSAP Application Benchmark Performance Standard (throughput unit for HW sizing)
SAPSShippingport Atomic Power Station (Shippingport, PA)
SAPSSouthern Auto Problem Solutions
SAPSSmall Arms Perception Survey
SAPSSignal Algorithmic Processing System (from Hunt for Red October, Tom Clancy novel)
SAPSSeismological Acquisition and Processing System
SAPSSaint Anthony's Primary School
SAPSSarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha
SAPSSonar Adaptive Processing Study
SAPSSession Attempts Per Second
SAPSService Assurance Production Support (Sprint)
SAPSStatus Already in Protection State (Alcatel)
SAPSShed Acute Phase Antigen