SEALSea, Air, Land (US Navy military special forces team member)
SEALSocial and Emotional Aspects of Learning (UK education)
SEALSegmentation and Reassembly Layer
SEALScreening External Access Link
SEALSafe Escape Automation Layer
SEALSoftware Optimized Encryption Algorithm
SEALSimulated Evolution and Learning
SEALSimple and Efficient Adaptation Layer
SEALSocial Economy and Law Journal
SEALSea Scout Advanced Leadership
SEALSafety Evidence Assurance Level (US government)
SEALSoftware Engineering and Ada Lab (NASA)
SEALSecure Electronic Authorization Laboratory
SEALSoftware Evolution and Architecture Lab (University of Zurich)
SEALSafety Education Aquatic Learning (Corolla Fire & Rescue Squad; North Carolina)
SEALState Energy Assistance & Lifeline Programs (Utah)
SEALShip's Electronics Allowance List
SEALScenario Editor and Librarian (modeling and simulation)
SEALStandard Emitter Abbreviation Listing
SEALService-Order Emergency Address Locator