ADHAlcohol Dehydrogenase
ADHAutomatic Data Handling
ADHAntidiuretic Hormone
ADHAdhesion (advertising)
ADHArkansas Department of Health
ADHAllgemeiner Deutscher Hochschulsportverband (German: General German University Sports Federation)
ADHAldehyde Dehydrogenase
ADHAccidental Damage from Handling (insurance coverage option for a computer)
ADHAktion Deutschland Hilft (German: Germany's Relief Association)
ADHAtypical Ductal Hyperplasia
ADHAdd High
ADHAverage Delay Till Handling
ADHApplication Dialogue Handler
ADHAanbevolen Dagelijkse Hoeveelheid (Dutch)
ADHAntidiuretisches Hormon (German: Antidiuretisches Hormon)
ADHAldan (Russia)
ADHAcademic Department Head (Malaysia)
ADHAssociation des Directeurs d'Hôpital (French: Hospital Managers Association)
ADHArizona Department of Health
ADHAustralian Dermatological Hospital
ADHAction Dignite Humaine (French: Human Dignity Action)
ADHAdvanced Double Hull (naval architecture)
ADHAdvanced Development Hardware
ADHAssistant Department Head
ADHAverage Delay to Handle (CRM and call centers)
ADHAutomated Document Handling
ADHAngaston & District Hospital (Australia)
ADHAxially Displaced Hyperbola (antenna)
ADHAlden House