Acronym | Definition |
RBT | Ring Back Tone |
RBT | Requirements Based Testing |
RBT | Reliable Broadcast Toolkit |
RBT | Random Breath Testing |
RBT | Rainbow Trout (fish species) |
RBT | Review of Business Taxation (Australia) |
RBT | Reverse Bear Trap (movie item) |
RBT | Red-Black Tree (self-balancing binary search tree) |
RBT | Risk Based Testing (software development) |
RBT | Rabat-Malta (postal locality, Malta) |
RBT | Real Basketball Talk (online forum) |
RBT | Rec.Bicycles.Tech (newsgroup) |
RBT | Remote Batch Terminal |
RBT | Registered Bowenwork Therapist (healthcare) |
RBT | Rotherham Brought Together (UK) |
RBT | Rede Brasileira de Teleinformática (Portuguese: Brazilian Network of Teleinformatics) |
RBT | Rice Broadcast Television (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA) |
RBT | Registration By Telephone |
RBT | Ribbon Bridge Transporter |
RBT | Relay Buffer Threshold |
RBT | Reverse Bow-Tie Antenna |
RBT | River Bathymetry Toolkit (US Forest Service) |
RBT | Rennies Bulk Terminal (South Africa) |
RBT | Robots with Bad Teeth |
RBT | Results Based Thinking |