RBTRing Back Tone
RBTRequirements Based Testing
RBTReliable Broadcast Toolkit
RBTRandom Breath Testing
RBTRainbow Trout (fish species)
RBTReview of Business Taxation (Australia)
RBTReverse Bear Trap (movie item)
RBTRed-Black Tree (self-balancing binary search tree)
RBTRisk Based Testing (software development)
RBTRabat-Malta (postal locality, Malta)
RBTReal Basketball Talk (online forum)
RBTRec.Bicycles.Tech (newsgroup)
RBTRemote Batch Terminal
RBTRegistered Bowenwork Therapist (healthcare)
RBTRotherham Brought Together (UK)
RBTRede Brasileira de Teleinformática (Portuguese: Brazilian Network of Teleinformatics)
RBTRice Broadcast Television (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA)
RBTRegistration By Telephone
RBTRibbon Bridge Transporter
RBTRelay Buffer Threshold
RBTReverse Bow-Tie Antenna
RBTRiver Bathymetry Toolkit (US Forest Service)
RBTRennies Bulk Terminal (South Africa)
RBTRobots with Bad Teeth
RBTResults Based Thinking