Acronym | Definition |
RCA | Radio Corporation of America |
RCA | Royal College of Art (London, UK) |
RCA | Reformed Church in America |
RCA | Root Cause Analysis |
RCA | Russia and Central Asia |
RCA | Right Coronary Artery |
RCA | Research Chefs Association |
RCA | Rural Cellular Association |
RCA | Republique Centrafricaine (Central African Republic) |
RCA | Readers' Choice Award |
RCA | Real Capital Analytics |
RCA | Regulatory Commission of Alaska (Anchorage, AK) |
RCA | Risk, Control and Audit (various companies) |
RCA | Remote Control Adapter (various companies) |
RCA | Rail Cargo Austria (est. 1884) |
RCA | Remote Controlled Aircraft |
RCA | Rabbinical Council of America |
RCA | Regional Center for the Arts (various locations) |
RCA | Resource Configuration Add-in |
RCA | Root Certificate Authority |
RCA | Record Area |
RCA | Route Cause Alarm |
RCA | Requirements Coverage Analysis |
RCA | Root Certificate Authority (computer security software) |
RCA | Rolling-Circle Amplification |
RCA | Rotary Centre for the Arts (Canada) |
RCA | Revealed Comparative Advantage (economics) |
RCA | Royal Canadian Artillery |
RCA | Rural Community Assistance |
RCA | Resolución de Calificación Ambiental (Spanish: Environmental Qualification Resolution; Chile) |
RCA | Radio Club of America |
RCA | Recovering Couples Anonymous |
RCA | Required Corrective Action (various organizations) |
RCA | Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (Canada) |
RCA | Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK) |
RCA | Recycled Concrete Aggregate |
RCA | Riparian Conservation Area |
RCA | Resource Consumption Accounting (accounting) |
RCA | Regional Contribution Agreement (New Jersey) |
RCA | Riot Control Agent |
RCA | Replication Competent Adenovirus |
RCA | Responsabilità Civile Auto (Italy) |
RCA | Rockfish Conservation Area |
RCA | Ripple Carry Adder |
RCA | Recycling Council of Alberta |
RCA | Rabbinical College of America (Morristown, New Jersey) |
RCA | Rural Carrier Associate |
RCA | Radio Club Argentino |
RCA | Rental Car Agency |
RCA | Road Controlling Authority |
RCA | Relative Comparative Advantage |
RCA | Radio Communications Agency |
RCA | Radiological Control Area (FEMA) |
RCA | Reach Cruising Altitude (Australian AIP) |
RCA | Route Cause Analysis (accident investigation technique) |
RCA | Réseau de Cancérologie d'Aquitaine (French: Aquitaine Oncology Network) |
RCA | Relative Card Address |
RCA | Residential Care Aide |
RCA | Russell Collection Agency (est. 1966; Michigan) |
RCA | Revue Responsabilité Civile et Assurances (French: Liability and Insurance Review) |
RCA | Réguer Capital Associates (French consulting firm) |
RCA | Retirement Compensation Agreement (used to assist in retirement planning for high-level executives) |
RCA | Raspunderea Civila Auto (Romania: Auto Civil Responsibility) |
RCA | Random Coefficient Autoregressive |
RCA | Reduced Constellation Algorithm |
RCA | Reuse Cost Avoidance |
RCA | Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration |
RCA | Rare Cancer Alliance |
RCA | Regional Co-operation Agreement (15-nation agreement under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency) |
RCA | Radiological Consultants Association |
RCA | Soil and Water Resource Conservation Act of 1977 |
RCA | Rialto Center for the Arts (Atlanta, GA) |
RCA | Roman Collar Amnesia |
RCA | Request for Contract Action |
RCA | Racetrack Chaplaincy of America |
RCA | Replacement Cost Appraisal |
RCA | Recruit Candidate Academy (Utah Valley University firefighter training) |
RCA | Research Council of Alberta |
RCA | Reactor Controls Assistant |
RCA | Rodeo Cowboys of America |
RCA | Rate Change Authorization |
RCA | Radio Collectors of America (old-time radio) |
RCA | Rearrangeable Compact Assignment |
RCA | Radar Controlled Approach |
RCA | Rogue Canine Agility, Inc. (Phoenix, OR) |
RCA | Radiative Cooler Assembly |
RCA | Ringgit Cost Averaging |
RCA | Remote Call Assistance |
RCA | Resonance Curve Area |
RCA | Rescue Coordinator, Air (Swedish) |
RCA | Regional Communication Analyst |
RCA | Request for Commission Action (Montana) |
RCA | Recursive Contraction Algorithm (computer science) |