RCARadio Corporation of America
RCARoyal College of Art (London, UK)
RCAReformed Church in America
RCARoot Cause Analysis
RCARussia and Central Asia
RCARight Coronary Artery
RCAResearch Chefs Association
RCARural Cellular Association
RCARepublique Centrafricaine (Central African Republic)
RCAReaders' Choice Award
RCAReal Capital Analytics
RCARegulatory Commission of Alaska (Anchorage, AK)
RCARisk, Control and Audit (various companies)
RCARemote Control Adapter (various companies)
RCARail Cargo Austria (est. 1884)
RCARemote Controlled Aircraft
RCARabbinical Council of America
RCARegional Center for the Arts (various locations)
RCAResource Configuration Add-in
RCARoot Certificate Authority
RCARecord Area
RCARoute Cause Alarm
RCARequirements Coverage Analysis
RCARoot Certificate Authority (computer security software)
RCARolling-Circle Amplification
RCARotary Centre for the Arts (Canada)
RCARevealed Comparative Advantage (economics)
RCARoyal Canadian Artillery
RCARural Community Assistance
RCAResolución de Calificación Ambiental (Spanish: Environmental Qualification Resolution; Chile)
RCARadio Club of America
RCARecovering Couples Anonymous
RCARequired Corrective Action (various organizations)
RCARoyal Canadian Academy of Arts (Canada)
RCARoyal College of Anaesthetists (UK)
RCARecycled Concrete Aggregate
RCARiparian Conservation Area
RCAResource Consumption Accounting (accounting)
RCARegional Contribution Agreement (New Jersey)
RCARiot Control Agent
RCAReplication Competent Adenovirus
RCAResponsabilità Civile Auto (Italy)
RCARockfish Conservation Area
RCARipple Carry Adder
RCARecycling Council of Alberta
RCARabbinical College of America (Morristown, New Jersey)
RCARural Carrier Associate
RCARadio Club Argentino
RCARental Car Agency
RCARoad Controlling Authority
RCARelative Comparative Advantage
RCARadio Communications Agency
RCARadiological Control Area (FEMA)
RCAReach Cruising Altitude (Australian AIP)
RCARoute Cause Analysis (accident investigation technique)
RCARéseau de Cancérologie d'Aquitaine (French: Aquitaine Oncology Network)
RCARelative Card Address
RCAResidential Care Aide
RCARussell Collection Agency (est. 1966; Michigan)
RCARevue Responsabilité Civile et Assurances (French: Liability and Insurance Review)
RCARéguer Capital Associates (French consulting firm)
RCARetirement Compensation Agreement (used to assist in retirement planning for high-level executives)
RCARaspunderea Civila Auto (Romania: Auto Civil Responsibility)
RCARandom Coefficient Autoregressive
RCAReduced Constellation Algorithm
RCAReuse Cost Avoidance
RCARules of Conciliation and Arbitration
RCARare Cancer Alliance
RCARegional Co-operation Agreement (15-nation agreement under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency)
RCARadiological Consultants Association
RCASoil and Water Resource Conservation Act of 1977
RCARialto Center for the Arts (Atlanta, GA)
RCARoman Collar Amnesia
RCARequest for Contract Action
RCARacetrack Chaplaincy of America
RCAReplacement Cost Appraisal
RCARecruit Candidate Academy (Utah Valley University firefighter training)
RCAResearch Council of Alberta
RCAReactor Controls Assistant
RCARodeo Cowboys of America
RCARate Change Authorization
RCARadio Collectors of America (old-time radio)
RCARearrangeable Compact Assignment
RCARadar Controlled Approach
RCARogue Canine Agility, Inc. (Phoenix, OR)
RCARadiative Cooler Assembly
RCARinggit Cost Averaging
RCARemote Call Assistance
RCAResonance Curve Area
RCARescue Coordinator, Air (Swedish)
RCARegional Communication Analyst
RCARequest for Commission Action (Montana)
RCARecursive Contraction Algorithm (computer science)