RSERelative Standard Error
RSEResponsabilidad Social Empresarial (Spanish)
RSERegional Sales Executive
RSERear Seat Entertainment (Volvo)
RSERegistrable Superannuation Entity (Australia)
RSEResponsabilité Sociale et Environnementale (French: Social and Environmental Responsibility)
RSEResearchers, Scientists and Engineers
RSEResponsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (French)
RSERoyal Society of Edinburgh (UK; also seen as TRSE)
RSERoad Safety Education
RSERealistic Sound Engine
RSERear Seat Entertainment
RSERemovable Storage Elements
RSERecoverable Service Element
RSERemote System Explorer
RSERed Seal Endorsement (trade qualifcations; Canada)
RSERhymesayers Entertainment (band)
RSERhymesayers Entertainment
RSERosenberg Self-Esteem (psychological assessment scale)
RSERoadside Equipment
RSEReference Standard Endotoxin
RSERomulan Star Empire (Star Trek)
RSERegistered Structural Engineer
RSERed Shield Environmental (Maine)
RSERouting Switch Essentials (Hewlett-Packard)
RSERevue des Sciences de l'Eau (French: Journal of Water Science; Canada)
RSERace Specific Equipment (Final Fantasy XI)
RSERetrograde Support Element (US DoD)
RSEReverse Screw Element
RSERemoval Site Evaluation
RSERadio South East (blind tape magazines; UK)
RSERed Storm Entertainment, Inc. (computer software company)
RSERensselaer Society of Engineers (Troy, NY, USA)
RSEReferenced Single-Ended
RSEResource for Science Education
RSERéglementation Sociale Européenne (France)
RSERadio Science Experiment
RSERadar Site Equipment (air traffic control)
RSERevêtement Semi-Epais (French: Semi-Thick Coating)
RSERobust Software Engineering (Ames Research Center; Moffett Field, CA; US NASA)
RSEReactive Sputter Etching
RSERuby Saphire Emerald (Pokemon video games)
RSEReed-Solomon Erasure Code (computer networking)
RSERead Soft Error (reliability)
RSERace Specific Armour (gaming)
RSEReload Safety Evaluation (nuclear industry)
RSERobotics Society of Japan
RSERealms-Shaking Event
RSEResource Software Engineering A/S (Company in Denmark)
RSERogue Spear Elite (gaming clan)
RSERotor Speed Encoder (cockpit voice recorder input)
RSERising Star Entertainment
RSEReadiness Spares Element (USAF)
RSERASSP System Engineering
RSERossier School of Education (University of Southern California)
RSERandom Social Encounters
RSERow Shuffled Ensemble
RSEResurgent Soldier's Elite (Mountain View, CA)
RSEReliable System Enterprise Inc. (Seaside, CA)