Acronym | Definition |
SML | Small (clothing size) |
SML | Small, Medium and Large |
SML | Service Modeling Language |
SML | Smith Mountain Lake (Virginia) |
SML | Swiss Mobiliar League (German: Swiss Furniture League; floorball) |
SML | Super Mario Logan (gaming group) |
SML | Savings and Mortgage Lending (Texas) |
SML | Security Market Line (finance) |
SML | Sterling Memorial Library (Yale University; New Haven, CT) |
SML | Self-Managed Learning |
SML | Share Mo Lang |
SML | Seamless (pipe manufacturing process) |
SML | Server Management License |
SML | Symbolic Machine Learning |
SML | Semantic Markup Language |
SML | Search Markup Language |
SML | Spatial Manipulation Language |
SML | Single Mode Fiber Long Range |
SML | Swaraj Mazda Limited |
SML | Standard Markup Language |
SML | Smartcard Markup Language |
SML | Single Mipmap Level |
SML | School of Modern Languages (various universities) |
SML | Sony Music Labels, Inc. (Japan) |
SML | Super Mario Land (video game) |
SML | Swaraj Mazda Limited (India) |
SML | School of Management and Languages (Heriot-Watt University; UK) |
SML | Suomen Musiikkioppilaitosten Liitto (Finnish: Association of Finnish Music Schools) |
SML | Specified Mechanical Load (insulators) |
SML | Stella Maris, Bahamas (Airport Code) |
SML | Syndicat des Médecins Libéraux (French: Liberals Medical Union) |
SML | Survey of Mortgage Lenders (UK) |
SML | Student Math League (various locations) |
SML | Specific Migration Limit |
SML | Service Management Layer |
SML | Standard Meta Language |
SML | So Much Love |
SML | Secondary Mortgage Lender |
SML | Strasser Marigaux Lemaire (French instrument manufacturer) |
SML | Snail Mail List |
SML | Standard Math Library |
SML | Spacecraft Markup Language |
SML | Surface Mixed Layer |
SML | Simple Mailing List (software) |
SML | Summer Mountain Leader |
SML | Small Matrix Library (computing) |
SML | Savitt Medical Library (University of Nevada) |
SML | SECS (SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) Equipment Communications Standard) Message Language |
SML | Solicitation Mailing List |
SML | Security Mutual Life (insurance) |
SML | Speer Memorial Library (Texas) |
SML | smartX (SmartCard) Markup Language |
SML | Suncorp Metway Ltd (banking and insurance company in Queensland, Australia) |
SML | Sustainment Maturity Level (US DoD) |
SML | Sitton Motor Lines (Joplin, MO) |
SML | Shared Media Licensing (intellectual property) |
SML | Structured Modeling Language (entity relationship models) |
SML | Steel Markup Language |
SML | Senior Materiel Leader (US Air Force) |
SML | Super Mario Långben (clan) |
SML | Substance Markup Language (food ontology) |
SML | Sciences de La Mer et du Littoral (French: Marine and Coastal Sciences) |
SML | See My Last |
SML | Storage Media Library |
SML | Support Material List |
SML | Screw My Life |
SML | Storage Management Lifecycle |
SML | Symbolic Machine Language |
SML | Société Mycologique du Limousin (French: Mycological Society of Limousin; France) |
SML | Sport, Musique, Littérature (French: Sports, Music, Literature) |
SML | Simple Maximum Likelihood |
SML | Saudi Masterbaker Ltd |
SML | States Marine Lines |
SML | System Management Layer (TMN) |
SML | Synchronous Maintenance Link (Alcatel) |
SML | Strategic Missile Launcher (gaming; Supreme Commander) |
SML | Sérrurerie Métallerie de La Loire (French: Locksmith Metalwork of Loire; France) |
SML | Synchronized Markup Language (computing) |
SML | SECS (SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) Equipment Communications Standard) Message Language (computing) |