SMASSumitomo Mitsui Auto Service (Japan)
SMASSuperficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System
SMASSchool of Mathematics & Applied Statistics (University of Wollongong; Australia)
SMASSuperior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome
SMASSuper Mario All-Stars (video game)
SMASSouthern Maryland Astronomical Society
SMASSmoky Mountain Astronomical Society
SMASScottish Mutual Assurance Society (UK)
SMASSwitched Maintenance Access System
SMASSouthern Maryland Audubon Society
SMASSports Medicine Association of Serbia
SMASStreaming Media Application Server
SMASStandard Material Accounting Systems
SMASSociety of Medieval Arts and Sciences (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
SMASSudbury Marine Aquarium Society (Canada)
SMASService Metallic Access System