Acronym | Definition |
SMC | Santa Monica College |
SMC | Saint Mary's College (various locations) |
SMC | Saint Michael's College |
SMC | Specialty Merchandise Corporation |
SMC | Smooth Muscle Cell |
SMC | Sheet-Molding Compound |
SMC | San Marcos (Amtrak station code; San Marcos, TX) |
SMC | Suzuki Motor Corporation |
SMC | Safety Management Certificate (maritime shipping) |
SMC | Scottish Medicines Consortium (UK) |
SMC | Standard Motor Company (est, 1903; UK) |
SMC | Space and Missile Systems Center |
SMC | Surat Municipal Corporation (India) |
SMC | San Miguel Corporation (Philippine brewer) |
SMC | Systems, Man and Cybernetics (conference) |
SMC | Sony Movie Channel |
SMC | Scrum Master Certified |
SMC | Sony Mobile Communications (Japan) |
SMC | System Management Controller (Apple) |
SMC | Surface-Mount Connector (various companies) |
SMC | Super Micro Computer |
SMC | Société Mathématique du Canada (French: Canadian Mathematical Society) |
SMC | Sudanese Media Center (independent news agency) |
SMC | School Management Committee (Hong Kong) |
SMC | Skilled Migrant Category (New Zealand immigration) |
SMC | Smart Media Card |
SMC | Social Media Club (various locations) |
SMC | Sumitomo Mitsui Construction (Japan) |
SMC | Spartanburg Methodist College (Spartanburg, South Carolina) |
SMC | Sheet-Molded Composite (plastic used in autobody panels) |
SMC | Small Magellanic Cloud (also see LMC) |
SMC | Supplementary Motor Cortex |
SMC | Spent Mushroom Compost (waste) |
SMC | Sequential Monte-Carlo (technique for numerical approximation) |
SMC | Sansa Media Converter (software) |
SMC | Siemens Management Consulting |
SMC | Sandvik Mining and Construction (various locations) |
SMC | Senior Marketing Consultant (various companies) |
SMC | Stranka Mira Cerarja (Slovenian political party) |
SMC | Solaris Management Console |
SMC | State Map Compiler |
SMC | Subscriber Management Center |
SMC | Storage Management Controller |
SMC | Surface Mounted Component |
SMC | Sheet Molding Compound |
SMC | Scsi Media Changer |
SMC | Systems Management Console |
SMC | State Machine Compiler |
SMC | Self Modifying Code |
SMC | System Management Controller |
SMC | Storage Migrator Cluster |
SMC | Sun Management Center |
SMC | Switch Module Control |
SMC | Super Multi Coated |
SMC | Sunny Mini Central (solar device) |
SMC | Symmetrix Management Console (software) |
SMC | Stuart Marine Corp (Rockland, ME) |
SMC | Swedish Medical Center (Washington; Colorado) |
SMC | Swathanthra Malayalam Computing (India) |
SMC | Software Model Checking |
SMC | Special Metals Corporation (various locations) |
SMC | Shambhala Mountain Center (meditation center; Feather Lakes, CO) |
SMC | Support Maintenance Company |
SMC | Summer Music Camp (various locations) |
SMC | Sensory Motor Coordination (robotics) |
SMC | Sindh Medical College (Karachi, Pakistan) |
SMC | Sliding Mode Control |
SMC | Southern Methodist Church (various locations) |
SMC | Somerset Medical Center (New Jersey) |
SMC | Service Management Center (telecommunications) |
SMC | Singapore Medical Council |
SMC | Siemens Matsushita Components |
SMC | Standard Microsystems Corporation |
SMC | Small and Medium Companies |
SMC | Scottish Mountaineering Club |
SMC | Scottish Music Centre (UK) |
SMC | Super-Multi Coating (Pentax camera lens coating) |
SMC | Société Marseillaise de Crédit (French bank) |
SMC | Service Management Console (various companies) |
SMC | Scorpio Mining Corporation (Canada) |
SMC | Scheduled Monument Consent (UK) |
SMC | Save the Manatee Club |
SMC | Stadium Management Company (various locations) |
SMC | Supreme Military Council |
SMC | Symbolic Model Checking |
SMC | Sonic Mega Collection (video game) |
SMC | Singapore Mediation Centre (Singapore) |
SMC | Skyline Madison Campus (TriStar Behavioral Health Services; Tennessee) |
SMC | StoneGate Management Center (network security management) |
SMC | Santa Maria, California |
SMC | Select Medical Corporation (various locations) |
SMC | Search and Rescue (SAR) Mission Coordinator (US DoD) |
SMC | Sales, Marketing, Consulting (various companies) |
SMC | Surface Mount Component |
SMC | Scottish Museums Council |
SMC | Salaire Minimum Conventionnel (French: Conventional Minimum Salary) |
SMC | Sintered Metal Corporation (Japan) |
SMC | Subject Matter Committee (California State Board of Education) |
SMC | Southern Maryland Chapter (various organizations) |
SMC | Souderton Mennonite Church (Souderton, PA) |
SMC | Samuel Merritt College (California) |
SMC | Stirling Management Centre (Stirling, Scotland) |
SMC | Social Marketing Company (Bangladesh) |
SMC | Squared Multiple Correlation |
SMC | Social Marginal Cost (economics) |
SMC | Schweizerischer Marketing Club (Swiss marketing forum) |
SMC | Single Mother by Choice |
SMC | Saturday Morning Cartoons |
SMC | Security Mortgage Corporation (various locations) |
SMC | Safety Monitoring Committee (health care) |
SMC | Sunset Mortgage Company (various locations) |
SMC | Super Mario Club (gaming clan) |
SMC | Senior Management Council |
SMC | System Management Center |
SMC | Sports Medicine Clinic |
SMC | Society of Midwest Contesters (Amateur Radio organization in Illinois) |
SMC | Sun Media Corporation (Quebecor Media; Canada) |
SMC | Systems Management Center |
SMC | Southern Music Company |
SMC | Sierre-Montana-Crans (Swiss shuttle bus) |
SMC | Superior Matching Concepts (racing; Elkton, VA) |
SMC | SONET Minimum Clock (SONET) |
SMC | Standard Management Corporation (insurance; Indiana) |
SMC | Specific Manufacturing Capability |
SMC | SAR Mission Coordinator |
SMC | Security Monitoring Centre |
SMC | Stanley Medical College (Chennai, India) |
SMC | Speed Modeling Challenge |
SMC | Stockton Municipal Code (California) |
SMC | Southern Missionary College (Seventh-day Adventist) |
SMC | Sports Medicine Committee (various organizations) |
SMC | Sheet Music Consortium (various schools) |
SMC | Saint Martin's College |
SMC | Midpoint Compromise Track Spacing (US DoD) |
SMC | Security Module Card (telemedicine) |
SMC | Stress Management Center |
SMC | Strategic Management Committee |
SMC | Seattle Manufacturing Corporation (climbing and rescue equipment) |
SMC | SUNY Maritime College (Fort Schuyler, New York) |
SMC | Stade Malherbe Caen (French soccer club) |
SMC | Sew Much Comfort (charitable volunteer organization) |
SMC | Social Ministry Committee (various organizations) |
SMC | Sussex Model Centre (UK) |
SMC | SuperMoto Competition |
SMC | Sendai Medical Center (Japan) |
SMC | Senior Mission Commander |
SMC | System Memory Controller |
SMC | Stream Memory Controller |
SMC | State Master Councilor |
SMC | Strategic Marketing Consultant |
SMC | Search Mission Co-Ordinator (various locations) |
SMC | Science Management Corporation |
SMC | Self-Made Critic |
SMC | Svensk Magisk Cirkel |
SMC | Standards Management Committee |
SMC | Safe Mode Command |
SMC | Smith-McCort Dysplasia |
SMC | Subventions et Mesures Compensatoires (French: Subsidies and Countervailing Measures) |
SMC | Scientific Manpower Commission (est. 1953) |
SMC | Släckmedelscentralen SMC AB |
SMC | Speed Modelling Contest |
SMC | Surface Molecular Contamination |
SMC | Standard Mean Chord (aerodynamics) |
SMC | Service Management Channel (Nortel) |
SMC | Sheffield Motorcycle Centre (UK) |
SMC | Special Manufacturing Capability |
SMC | Silicide Mediated Crystallization |
SMC | Sub Miniature Coaxial (Nortel) |
SMC | Seattle Mens Chorus |
SMC | Sleep Mode Connection (ATMF) |
SMC | Surface Movement Controller (Australia) |
SMC | Chief Signalman (Naval Rating) |
SMC | Standard Model of Cosmology |
SMC | Sudan Medical Care |
SMC | System Management Card |
SMC | Safety Management Corporation |
SMC | Spectrum Management Class |
SMC | Service Merchandise Corporation |
SMC | Speed Modeling Competition |
SMC | Service Management Consultant |
SMC | Syndicat Mixte du Cotentin (French: Joint Association of Cotentin; est. 2001) |
SMC | Sergeant Morales Club (US Army) |
SMC | Small Multiuser Computer (Contract) |
SMC | Simple/Medium/Complex (effort estimation) |
SMC | Structural Materials Centre (Part of QinetiQ, Farborough UK) |
SMC | Standard Motor Club |
SMC | Shamva Mining Centre (Zimbabwe) |
SMC | System Monitoring Center |
SMC | Systèmes Mécaniques et Chimiques (French: Mechanical and Chemical Systems) |
SMC | State Milk Commission |
SMC | Saint Michael's Church |
SMC | Switching Module Control |
SMC | South Western Michigan College |
SMC | Select Motor Company |
SMC | System Monitoring Compounds |
SMC | Stratégies Municipales Concertées (French: Concerted Municipal Strategies) |
SMC | Satellite Meteorological Center (China) |
SMC | System Master Catalog (US DoD) |
SMC | Saad Medical Center (Saudi Arabia) |
SMC | Statistical Machine Control (semiconductor industry tool software feature) |
SMC | Simple Mail Client |
SMC | SAR Mission Controller |
SMC | Serial Magnitude Command |
SMC | Secure Mail Client |
SMC | Stop Mutilating Children |
SMC | Supermotard Competition (motorcycle racing) |
SMC | System Master Control |
SMC | Student Mail Code |
SMC | Shanghai Meteorological Center |
SMC | Stopped Muon Channel |
SMC | Simulation, Monitor & Control |
SMC | Strategic Management Conference |
SMC | Sergeant Major's Course (USASMC) |
SMC | Sub-Miniature C Connector |
SMC | System Manager Console |
SMC | Selective Maximal Combination |
SMC | Saracens Motorcycle Club |
SMC | System Maintenance Console |
SMC | Site Movement Coordinator |
SMC | Secondary Mission Controller |
SMC | Search Mission Controller |
SMC | Strathfield Municipal Council (Sydney, Australia) |
SMC | Sprint Meeting Channel |
SMC | Scalable Multicomputer |
SMC | Sequential Math Course |
SMC | Selection and Monitoring Chassis |
SMC | SATCOM Management Center |
SMC | Society of Marine Consultants, Ltd. |
SMC | Software Maintenance Concept |
SMC | Shipboard Maneuvering Calculator |
SMC | Special Materiel Content |
SMC | Self-Managed Clustering |
SMC | Schaffner Manufacturing Company, Inc (Pennsylvania) |
SMC | Switching Management Center |
SMC | S-Bus Mezzanine Card |
SMC | Ship Service Motors & Controllers Manual (TMINS) |
SMC | Surface Missile Controller |
SMC | Static Modifier Change |
SMC | Strategic Movement Center |
SMC | Sub Main Cable |
SMC | Scottish Maintenance Centre |
SMC | Southeast Mennonite Conference (Sarasota, FL) |
SMC | Skill Management Code (Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace) |