Acronym | Definition |
RNR | Rock 'N Roll |
RNR | Royal Naval Reserve |
RNR | Ribonucleotide Reductase |
RNR | Receiver not Ready |
RNR | Réserves Naturelles Régionales (French: Local Nature Reserve) |
RNR | Receive Not Ready (ITU-T; ISDN) |
RNR | Round Norfolk Relay (race; UK) |
RNR | Roles and Responsibilities (employment) |
RNR | Rest and Relaxation |
RNR | Royal Newfoundland Regiment |
RNR | Réacteur à Neutrons Rapides (French: Fast Neutron Reactor; nuclear power) |
RNR | Refuse and Resist! (est. 1987) |
RNR | Read No Reply |
RNR | Remove and Replace |
RNR | Rest and Recreation |
RNR | Risk-Need-Responsivity (criminal psychology) |
RNR | Radio News Release (news story) |
RNR | Registry of Nursing Research |
RNR | Rate Not Reported |
RNR | Rapid Nasogastric Rehydration |
RNR | Ralph 'n' Riches (Bridgeport, CT) |
RNR | Research News Reporter |
RNR | Reinhold-Nägele-Realschule (German secondary school) |
RNR | Rock and Ride |
RNR | Reward and Recognition |
RNR | Random Noise Radar |
RNR | Ring No Reply |
RNR | Roman Revolutionaries (band) |
RNR | Registered Nurses, Retired, Inc. |
RNR | Rassemblement National Républicain (French: Republican National Rally) |
RNR | Rhein-Neckar Region (Germany) |
RNR | Response Not Required |
RNR | Right-Now-Retailing (HP technology for retailers) |
RNR | Rupert and Riley (gaming) |
RNR | Revue Nucléaire de Russie (French: Russian Nuclear Journal) |