RNRRock 'N Roll
RNRRoyal Naval Reserve
RNRRibonucleotide Reductase
RNRReceiver not Ready
RNRRéserves Naturelles Régionales (French: Local Nature Reserve)
RNRReceive Not Ready (ITU-T; ISDN)
RNRRound Norfolk Relay (race; UK)
RNRRoles and Responsibilities (employment)
RNRRest and Relaxation
RNRRoyal Newfoundland Regiment
RNRRéacteur à Neutrons Rapides (French: Fast Neutron Reactor; nuclear power)
RNRRefuse and Resist! (est. 1987)
RNRRead No Reply
RNRRemove and Replace
RNRRest and Recreation
RNRRisk-Need-Responsivity (criminal psychology)
RNRRadio News Release (news story)
RNRRegistry of Nursing Research
RNRRate Not Reported
RNRRapid Nasogastric Rehydration
RNRRalph 'n' Riches (Bridgeport, CT)
RNRResearch News Reporter
RNRReinhold-Nägele-Realschule (German secondary school)
RNRRock and Ride
RNRReward and Recognition
RNRRandom Noise Radar
RNRRing No Reply
RNRRoman Revolutionaries (band)
RNRRegistered Nurses, Retired, Inc.
RNRRassemblement National Républicain (French: Republican National Rally)
RNRRhein-Neckar Region (Germany)
RNRResponse Not Required
RNRRight-Now-Retailing (HP technology for retailers)
RNRRupert and Riley (gaming)
RNRRevue Nucléaire de Russie (French: Russian Nuclear Journal)