Acronym | Definition |
SMO | Server Management Objects |
SMO | Social Media Optimization |
SMO | SQL Management Objects |
SMO | Santa Monica Municipal Airport |
SMO | Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (Scotland Gaelic college) |
SMO | Strategic Management Office (various locations) |
SMO | Sun Managed Operations |
SMO | Soap Messaging Object |
SMO | System Managed Object |
SMO | System Management Office |
SMO | Site Management Organization |
SMO | Senior Medical Officer |
SMO | Service Message Object |
SMO | Shout Me Out |
SMO | SnapManager for Oracle (software) |
SMO | Sequential Minimal Optimization |
SMO | Sales and Marketing Organization |
SMO | Smoothened, Frizzled Family Receptor |
SMO | Social Marketing Optimization |
SMO | Soil Moisture |
SMO | Stichting Maatschappij en Onderneming (Dutch) |
SMO | Santísimo (Spanish) |
SMO | Social Movement Organization |
SMO | Serious Mode On |
SMO | Systems Management Office |
SMO | Security Management Office |
SMO | Southern Maryland Oil |
SMO | SQL Management Object |
SMO | Sample Management Office |
SMO | System Management Office (US government agencies) |
SMO | Support to Military Operations |
SMO | Standard Mode of Operation |
SMO | Symptomatic Medication Overuse |
SMO | Sociedad Mexicana de Ortopedia |
SMO | Steunpunt Minderheden Overijssel (Dutch) |
SMO | Survey and Mapping Office (Hong Kong) |
SMO | Service Management Organization |
SMO | Suction Module (oil exploration) |
SMO | Stepmania Online (gaming) |
SMO | Singing Men of Ohio (Ohio University) |
SMO | Second Medical Opinion |
SMO | Service de Maîtrise d'Ouvrage (French: Department of Control of Work) |
SMO | Single Market Observatory (EU) |
SMO | Standing Medical Orders (EMS) |
SMO | Supramalleolar Orthoses |
SMO | Surveillance Medical Officer |
SMO | Strategic Management and Organization |
SMO | Shiny Metal Object |
SMO | Shoujo Manga Outline |
SMO | Support for Military Operations |
SMO | Système Modulaire Optionnel (French: Optional Modular System; health insurance) |
SMO | Surplus Move Order |
SMO | Simdesigner Motion |
SMO | Sheet Metal Optimizer (software) |
SMO | SMC Gold Ltd (stock symbol) |
SMO | System Management Overview (OSI) |
SMO | Sales Momentum (model) |
SMO | State Machine Object |
SMO | Sewing Machine Operator |
SMO | Senior Military Officer (DPKO) |
SMO | Singapore Maths Olympiad (Singapore) |
SMO | Samoa Observatory (Cape Matatula, American Samoa) |
SMO | Stores Management Overlay |
SMO | Strategic Mobility Office (USMC term: MEF level and above mobility planners) |
SMO | Seattle Metal Online |
SMO | Supreme Maintenance Organization |
SMO | Supply Management Officer |
SMO | Senior Military Observer |
SMO | Software Measurement Ontology |
SMO | Small Mobile Office |
SMO | Strong Motion Observation |
SMO | Single Molecule Optics |
SMO | Special Mission Optional Modification |
SMO | System and Market Operator |
SMO | Seattle Mandolin Orchestra |
SMO | Stationing Management Office |
SMO | Saipan Mayor's Office |
SMO | Special Management Office |
SMO | Site Maintenance Organization |
SMO | Study Management Organization |
SMO | Surplus Material Order (US DoD) |
SMO | Sponsoring Member Organization |
SMO | Stable Master Oscillator |
SMO | Supply Management Office |
SMO | Sociedad Mexicana de Oftamologia |
SMO | Stratégie et Management des Organisations (French: Strategy and Organization Management) |
SMO | Supervising Medical Officer |