Acronym | Definition |
RIO | Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (Airport Code) |
RIO | Risk, Issues, and Opportunities (various locations) |
RIO | Remote Input Output |
RIO | Reference Identifier Object |
RIO | Ram Input Output |
RIO | Rock in Opposition (musical genre) |
RIO | Radar Intercept Officer |
RIO | RapidIO (Interconnect Architecture) |
RIO | Regionaal Indicatie Orgaan (Dutch: Regional Indication Body; health care) |
RIO | Rimonabant in Obesity |
RIO | Reconfigurable Input/Output |
RIO | Reference Interconnection Offer |
RIO | Restore Iraqi Oil (US Army mission) |
RIO | Reintegration of Offenders |
RIO | Remote Input/Output |
RIO | Right, I'm Off |
RIO | Research Innovation Office (various locations) |
RIO | Régie des Installations Olympiques |
RIO | Reusable Information Object |
RIO | Reshaping the International Order (book) |
RIO | Regional Information Officer (USACE) |
RIO | Retirement Income Option (various organizations) |
RIO | Relevé d'Identité d'Opérateur (French: Statement of Identity Operator) |
RIO | Resampled Inference of Orthologs |
RIO | Remote Infrastructure Operations |
RIO | Réseau Intertropical d'Ordinateurs (French: Intertropical Network of Computers) |
RIO | Research Instruction Online |
RIO | Reverse Implied Odds (Poker) |
RIO | Reverse Implement Option (riding lawnmowers) |
RIO | Roma Initiatives Office (Open Society Institute) |
RIO | Random Insanity Online (website) |
RIO | Resolution Independent Object(s) |
RIO | Reporting In & Out |
RIO | Ribbonized Organized Integrated (aircraft wiring) |
RIO | Regional Inspection Officer (India) |
RIO | Random Early Discard with In/Out (algorithm) |
RIO | Remote Inside Option (Compaq) |
RIO | Realistic Input/Output Opportunity |