SAGScreen Actors Guild
SAGSecretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia (Spanish: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; Honduras)
SAGSaginaw (Michigan, USA)
SAGSouth Asian Games (South Asian Sports Council)
SAGSystem Administration Guide
SAGSoftware AG
SAGSelf-Assessment Guide
SAGSowjetische Aktiengesellschaft (German: Soviet Joint Stock Company)
SAGSwift Alliance Gateway
SAGSystem Administrator'S Guide
SAGStandard Address Generator
SAGSurface Antigen
SAGSemi-Autogenous Grinding (mills)
SAGSarjana Agama (Indonesian: Bachelor of Religion)
SAGState Advisory Group (OJJDP)
SAGSupport and Gear (bicycling; support transportation accompanying riders)
SAGSQL Access Group
SAGScientific Advisory Group (GAW)
SAGSupport and Guidance (cycling)
SAGSchweizerische Arbeitsgruppe Gentechnologie (German: Swiss Working Group on Genetic Engineering)
SAGServicio Agricola Ganadero (Agriculture Cattle Service, Chile)
SAGSurface Action Group
SAGSchweizerische Astronomische Gesellschaft (German: Swiss Astronomical Society)
SAGSubject Area Group (various organizations)
SAGSenior Advisory Group
SAGS-Acetyl-Glutathione (nutritional supplement)
SAGSecuritag Assembly Group (Taiwan)
SAGStreet Address Guide
SAGSiemens Aktiengesellschaft
SAGScience Advocacy Group (Mars Science and Telecommunications Orbiter)
SAGSoftware Action Group
SAGSite Assessment Grant (Wisconsin DNR)
SAGSustainability Action Group (various locations)
SAGStudy Advisory Group
SAGSenescence-Associated Gene
SAGSuper Antigen
SAGState Adjutant General
SAGSub-Activity Group
SAGSociété Astronomique de Genève (French: Astronomical Society of Geneva; Switzerland)
SAGSaudi Arabia Government
SAGSpecial Assignment Group (Maltese police)
SAGStraight Acting Gay (slang)
SAGStaatliche Aktiengesellschaft (German)
SAGSports Arbitrage Guide
SAGSpecial Activities Group
SAGSoftware Architecture Group (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
SAGStage Actors Guild
SAGSaint Anthony Guide
SAGSaint-Aubin de Guérande (France)
SAGStudies Assumption Group (UK MOD advisory body)
SAGSecure Application Gateway
SAGSystème d'Analyse Géographique (French: Geographical Analysis System)
SAGStandardized Atmospheric Generator (environmental model)
SAGStrategic Aircraft Generation (US DoD)
SAGSomething Awful Goon(s) (visitors to Something Awful website)
SAGService, Application, Gestion Informatique (French: Service, Law, and Information Management)
SAGSpark Arrester Guide
SAGSystem Architecture Group (US DoD)