SAGAScreen Actors Guild Awards
SAGASexuality and Gender Acceptance
SAGASimple API for Grid Applications (GGF)
SAGASouth African Guild of Actors
SAGASandia Acrobatic Gymnastics Academy (Albuquerque, NM)
SAGAStudies and Analysis Group (US DoD Joint Chiefs of Staff)
SAGASaint-Gaudens National Historic Site (US National Park Service)
SAGAStraight and Gay Alliance
SAGASoutheast Alaska Guidance Association
SAGAStochastic Algorithms, Foundations, and Applications
SAGASouth African Geophysical Association
SAGASwordsmen and Sorcerers Guild of America
SAGASupport for African/Asian Great Apes
SAGASolar Array Gain Augmentation (Hubble Space Telescope)
SAGAShort Arc Geodetic Adjustment
SAGASelf-Assessment Gap Analysis
SAGAStreet Address Guide Area (telecom service address validation)
SAGASouth Asia Gender Alliance
SAGASoftware Application, Generation and Administration (NASA)