SAGESerial Analysis of Gene Expression
SAGESet A Good Example
SAGESchéma d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux (French: Water Development and Management Scheme)
SAGEStrategic Advisory Group of Experts (World Health Organization)
SAGESpecial and Gifted Education
SAGESystolic Array Graphics Engine
SAGEExtreme Game Authoring System
SAGESystem Agent
SAGEStudent Achievement Guarantee in Education
SAGESustainability and the Global Environment (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
SAGESenior Action in a Gay Environment
SAGEStanding Against Global Exploitation (prostitution rehabilitation and female protection program)
SAGESemi-Automatic Ground Environment
SAGEStratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment
SAGESystem Administrator's Guild
SAGEService and Advocacy for GLBT Elders
SAGESoviet-American Gallium Experiment
SAGESoftware for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation
SAGESecurity Algorithms Group of Experts
SAGEScottish Area Gas Evacuation
SAGESummer of Applied Geophysical Experience
SAGEStudent Achievement Guided by Experience (University of California)
SAGESavings and Growth for Education
SAGESociety of Attorneys General Emeritus
SAGEScarborough against Genetic Engineering (Yorkshire, UK)
SAGEStatistical Analysis for Genetic Epidemiology (Research software package)
SAGESpace Awareness and Global Exploitation (Northrop Grumman)
SAGESpace Alternating Generalized Expectation
SAGEScience Advice for Government Effectiveness (Canada)
SAGESystems Advisory Group Enterprises, Inc.
SAGESignal Amplification by Gas Extraction (resonant imaging)
SAGESpace-Alternating Generalized EM (algorithm)
SAGESoftware Aided Group Environment
SAGEScalable Automated Guided Execution (computer testing tool)
SAGE(Unix) System Administrators' Guild
SAGEStandard Automated Guard Environment
SAGESeniors: Active, Giving, and Engaged (Seattle, WA)
SAGESecuring Assets for Grassroots Empowerment
SAGESystem for Automatic Program Generation
SAGESonic Amateur Game Expo (Sonic the Hedgehog fangame event)
SAGESociety for the Advancement of Good English
SAGESimulation for Air & Ground Engagements (Model)
SAGESoftware Accelerated Graphics Engine
SAGESystem for the Analysis of Gas Turbine Engines