Acronym | Definition |
SAIC | Science Applications International Corporation |
SAIC | Special Agent In Charge (US Secret Service) |
SAIC | School of the Art Institute of Chicago |
SAIC | Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation |
SAIC | Scientific Applications International Corporation |
SAIC | Service d'Activités Industrielles et Commerciales (French: Industrial and Commercial Activities Service) |
SAIC | State Administration of Industry and Commerce (China) |
SAIC | Single Antenna Interference Cancellation |
SAIC | Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. Group (GM) |
SAIC | South African Indian Congress |
SAIC | Small Arms Interpost Competition |
SAIC | Showa Aircraft Industry Company (Mukilteo, WA) |
SAIC | Shanghai Administration of Industry and Commerce |
SAIC | Saint Anthony Immaculate Conception (San Francisco, CA school) |
SAIC | Secondary Antenna Interface Controller (AN/FSC-78B SATCOM terminal) |
SAIC | Shikoku Angels Investment Corporation (Japan) |
SAIC | Structured Akaike Information-theoretic Criteria |
SAIC | Ship Acquisition & Improvement Council |