Acronym | Definition |
RCE | Research Center of Excellence (various locations) |
RCE | Replacement Cost Estimate (insurance) |
RCE | Return on Capital Employed (financial ratio) |
RCE | Regional Coding Enhancement (DVDs) |
RCE | Réseau Canadien de l'Eau (French: Canadian Water Network) |
RCE | Real Cash Economy |
RCE | Remote Channel Extenders |
RCE | Region Code Enhancement |
RCE | Resource Computation Engine |
RCE | Red Carpet Enterprise |
RCE | Response Centre Engineer |
RCE | Regional Control Enhancement |
RCE | Remote Control Enabled |
RCE | Renewable Choice Energy |
RCE | Rutgers Cooperative Extension |
RCE | Remote Code Execution |
RCE | Reasonable Compensation Equivalent (Medicare) |
RCE | Reverse Code Engineering |
RCE | Rate Case Expense (various locations) |
RCE | Regents College Exams |
RCE | Regional Center of Excellence |
RCE | Royal Canadian Engineers (Canada) |
RCE | Rotating Compensator Ellipsometer (semiconductors) |
RCE | Recurrent Corneal Erosion |
RCE | Rock Construction Entrance |
RCE | Registered Civil Engineer |
RCE | Resonant Cavity Enhanced |
RCE | Response Center Engineer |
RCE | Rehabilitation Counselor Education |
RCE | Radio Control Equipment |
RCE | Realtor Certified Executive (Associations of REALTORS) |
RCE | Rencontres du Ciel et de l'Espace (French: Close Encounters of the Sky and Space; astronomy club; est. 1998) |
RCE | Romanian Christian Enterprises |
RCE | Residential Customer Equivalent (utility usage measurement) |
RCE | retinoblastoma control element |
RCE | Rotary Combustion Engine |
RCE | Random Coding Exponent |
RCE | Royal Corps of Engineers (various locations) |
RCE | Route Clearance Equipment (US DoD) |
RCE | Regional Consulting Engineer |
RCE | Resource Consultants & Engineers, Inc. |
RCE | Resource Center Enterprises (Urbana, IL) |
RCE | Robust Channel Estimation |
RCE | Risk Control Effectiveness |
RCE | Remote Controller Equipment |
RCE | Request for Capital Expenditure |
RCE | Randonnée Cycliste Européenne (French: European Cycling and Hiking) |
RCE | Request for Continuing Examining |
RCE | riverine combat element |
RCE | Remote Channel Extender |
RCE | Ricard Concept Equipements (French sports equipment retailer) |
RCE | Robot Command and Control Element |
RCE | Relative Communication Efficiency |
RCE | Rock Crusher Equipment |