TIITurismo Internationale Injection
TIIThe International Investor (web site)
TIITokyo Instruments, Inc. (Japan)
TIITrustee Indemnity Insurance (UK)
TIITransmitter Identification Information
TIITechnology Innovation International
TIITourism Intelligence International
TIITraumatic Incident Intervention
TIITraitement et Interprétation des Images (French: Processing and Interpretation of Images)
TIITotal Inactive (Aircraft) Inventory
TIITerminal Indicate Identity
TIITime Interval Inspection
TIITechnology Infrastructure and Integration
TIITrans-Infrastructure Interface
TIITest Integration & Implementation (Sprint)
TIITele-Immersion Initiative (MCI)
TIITransfer Technology Innovation and Industrial Information (Europe)