TIMETechnology in Medical Education (various schools)
TIMEThings I Must Endure
TIMEThings I Must Experience
TIMETemporal Representation and Reasoning (International Symposium)
TIMETechnology Institute for Music Educators
TIMETraducteur Intelligent Avec Meta-Modele Extensible
TIMETop Industrial Managers for Europe
TIMETsunami Inundation Mapping Efforts (US NOAA)
TIMETriumphant Institute of Management Education (India)
TIMEThe Inner Mind's Eye
TIMEThings I Must Earn (AA)
TIMETemporally Integrated Monitoring of Ecosystems
TIMETelecoms, IT, Media and Electronics
TIMETolerate, Invest, Migrate, Eliminate (application portfolio management)
TIMETourism Indonesia Mart and Expo (Jakarta)
TIMEThe Invisible Modelling Environment
TIMETrust in Mobile Environments (International Workshop)
TIMEThings I May Enjoy
TIMEThe Information Management Exchange
TIMETrends In Medical Emergencies
TIMETechnology, Immediate Diagnosis, Mammography and Education
TIMETechnician's Introduction Multimedia Experience
TIMETechnological Innovations and Managements Experts
TIMETechnology Integration Mentors in Education
TIMETechnical Instrument for the Measurement of Existence
TIMEThe Internet Merchandise Exchange
TIMETime, Intention, Money, Energy
TIMEThink Influential Meaningful Experiences (early education)