Acronym | Definition |
SMA | Simple Moving Average |
SMA | SNA (System Network Architecture) Management Architecture |
SMA | Shape Memory Alloy |
SMA | Spinal Muscular Atrophy |
SMA | Separately Managed Account |
SMA | San Martín de Los Andes (Argentina) |
SMA | Sekolah Menengah Agama (Indonesian: School of Religion) |
SMA | Santa Monica Airlines (skateboards; Santa Monica, CA) |
SMA | Smooth Muscle Actin |
SMA | Secretaría del Medio Ambiente (Spanish: Ministry of Environment; Mexico) |
SMA | Safety and Mission Assurance (NASA) |
SMA | State Medicaid Agency (various locations) |
SMA | Sergeant Major of the Army |
SMA | Social Media Analytics (marketing) |
SMA | Sports Medicine Australia |
SMA | SubMiniature Version A |
SMA | Superior Mesenteric Artery (upper intestinal artery) |
SMA | Screen Manufacturers Association |
SMA | Security, Monitoring and Automation |
SMA | Society for Medical Anthropology (American Anthropological Association) |
SMA | Supplementary Motor Area |
SMA | Southern Medical Association |
SMA | Simulation Modeling and Analysis |
SMA | Severe Malarial Anemia (disease) |
SMA | Sumitomo Machinery Corporation of America (Sumitomo Heavy Industries; Japan) |
SMA | Shoreline Management Act |
SMA | Singapore-MIT Alliance |
SMA | Styrene Maleic Anhydride |
SMA | Surface Mounted Assembly |
SMA | Software Migration Assistant |
SMA | Segmented Memory Architecture |
SMA | Semiconductor Manufacturers Association |
SMA | System Migration Assistant |
SMA | Smart Memory Access |
SMA | Shanghai Maple Automobile |
SMA | System Multimedia Architecture |
SMA | Support and Maintenance Assistance |
SMA | System Monitoring Agent |
SMA | Sub Miniature Version a |
SMA | Server Management Agent |
SMA | Sequential Multiple Analyser |
SMA | Social Media Analysis (various meanings) |
SMA | System Management Agent |
SMA | Stella Maris Academy (La Jolla, CA) |
SMA | Stone Matrix Asphalt |
SMA | Submillimeter Array (Radio Telescope) |
SMA | Special Memorandum Account (financial; sub account of a brokerage margin account) |
SMA | Summer Music Academy (various locations) |
SMA | Spencer Museum of Art (University of Kansas) |
SMA | Science and Mathematics Academy (Maryland) |
SMA | Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (Canada) |
SMA | Sous Ministre Adjointe (French: Assistant Deputy Minister; Canada) |
SMA | Software Maintenance Agreement |
SMA | Stone Mastic Asphalt |
SMA | Super Mario Advance (Video game - Gameboy Advance) |
SMA | Singapore Medical Association |
SMA | Servicios de Mantenimiento Automotriz (Spanish: Automotive Maintenance Services) |
SMA | Southern Management Association (Academy of Management) |
SMA | Sexiest Man Alive (People magazine) |
SMA | Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 |
SMA | System Migration Assistant (IBM software) |
SMA | Special Measures Agreement (various nations) |
SMA | Steel Manufacturers' Association |
SMA | Service Militaire Adapté (French: Adapted Military Service) |
SMA | Society of African Missions (religious order) |
SMA | Search Marketing Agency (various locations) |
SMA | Shared Memory Architecture |
SMA | Semana de Música Avanzada (Spanish: Advanced Music Week; Guatemala) |
SMA | Semi-Major Axis |
SMA | Seattle Municipal Archives (Seattle, WA) |
SMA | System Memory Address (computing) |
SMA | Saskatchewan Medical Association |
SMA | Systems Maintenance Administrator |
SMA | Search Marketing Automation (software) |
SMA | Sports Medicine Associates (various locations) |
SMA | Society of Municipal Arborists |
SMA | Society of Maritime Arbitrators |
SMA | Shape Memory Polymer |
SMA | Securities Market Agency (Slovenia) |
SMA | Sound Music Album |
SMA | Surface Mount Assembly |
SMA | Suggested for Mature Audiences (movie ratings) |
SMA | Sacramento Metropolitan Area (California) |
SMA | Studio of Masquerade Arts (Canada) |
SMA | Spectrum Management Agency |
SMA | Services de Médias Audiovisuels (French: Audiovisual Media Services; EU directive) |
SMA | Security Manager Administration (software) |
SMA | Storage Management Appliance |
SMA | Surface Movement Advisor (FAA) |
SMA | Service Maintenance Agreement |
SMA | Separate Maintenance Allowance |
SMA | Sergeants' Major Academy |
SMA | Saint Mary's Academy |
SMA | School of Medicine Alliance (Oregon) |
SMA | Sequential Multiple Analysis (serum electrolytes) |
SMA | Schools Music Association (UK) |
SMA | Southwest Movers Association |
SMA | Sue McLean & Associates (Minneapolis, MN) |
SMA | Supply Margin Assessment |
SMA | Student Marketing Association |
SMA | Scientific Management Associates |
SMA | Statistics for Microarray Analysis (R programming language package) |
SMA | Small Museum Association |
SMA | Switching Mode Amplifier |
SMA | Swedish Medical Association |
SMA | Sales and Marketing Association |
SMA | Subject Matter Area |
SMA | Self Mutilators Anonymous (self-help group) |
SMA | Strategic Market Analysis |
SMA | Spectrophotometric Multicomponent Analysis |
SMA | Stage Managers' Association |
SMA | Standardization Management Activity |
SMA | Spectrométrie de Masse par Accélérateur (French: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) |
SMA | Stairway Manufacturers' Association |
SMA | Supply Management, Army |
SMA | Smart Memory Alloy |
SMA | Susquehanna Malayalee Association (Pennsylvania) |
SMA | S-Band Multiple Access |
SMA | Split Mastic Asphalt |
SMA | Student Managed Assessment (computer-based learning) |
SMA | Superior Martial Arts (various locations) |
SMA | Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association |
SMA | Secondary Mirror Assembly |
SMA | Sergeant Major Army |
SMA | Stinger-Mac Accessories |
SMA | Self Managed Account |
SMA | San Manuel Arizona Railroad Company |
SMA | Spectrum Manufacturers Association |
SMA | Sub-Miniature A Connector |
SMA | Statutory Marketing Authority |
SMA | Solidarité Motards Accidentés (French: Damaged Motorcyclists Solidarity) |
SMA | Science Monitoring Area |
SMA | Sierra Madre Alliance |
SMA | Système Multiagent (French) |
SMA | Software and Management Associates (Texas) |
SMA | State Microenterprise Association |
SMA | Simplified Memory-Bounded A |
SMA | Shortfin Mako Shark (FAO fish species code) |
SMA | Semiconductor Manufacturers' Association (UK) |
SMA | Saskatchewan Motorcycle Association (Canada) |
SMA | Solution Management Assessment (SAP) |
SMA | Stormwater Management Academy |
SMA | State Magistrates Association (New York) |
SMA | Salad Manufacturers Association |
SMA | System Management Architecture |
SMA | Systems Management Association |
SMA | Santa Maria Island, Azores, Portugal (airport code) |
SMA | Service Management Automation |
SMA | Scheduled Maintenance Action |
SMA | Software Management Activity |
SMA | System Management Authority |
SMA | Sales & Marketing Application |
SMA | Ship's Material Account (US Navy) |
SMA | Specific Military Agreement |
SMA | Specific Message Address |
SMA | Sterilizable Microbial Atrium (Veltek Associates, Inc.) |
SMA | System Message Alert |
SMA | Site des Monts d'Arrée (nuclear power plant; Brennilis, France) |
SMA | Supervising Medical Attending (Maryland) |
SMA | Student Medical Assistant |
SMA | Specific Memorandum of Agreement |
SMA | Special Mission Activities |
SMA | Single Manager for Ammunition |
SMA | Special Market Area |
SMA | Subsequent Maximization Algorithm |
SMA | Saudi Medical Association |
SMA | Sub Multi Assembly (fiber optic cable connector type) |
SMA | Supply Materiel Availability |
SMA | Specialized Mission Aircraft |
SMA | Senior Magistrates Association (license plate) |
SMA | Spectroscopie Moléculaire et Applications (French: Molecular Spectroscopy and Applications) |
SMA | Steel Matrix Asphalt (construction) |