RWBReporters Without Borders
RWBRoyal Winnipeg Ballet
RWBRegular Wheel Base
RWBRed Wanting Blue (band)
RWBRed-Winged Blackbird (bird watching)
RWBRegional Workforce Board (various locations)
RWBRacing and Wagering Board
RWBRegular Wheelbase (automotive)
RWBRead-Write Buffer (computing)
RWBRoyal Wrecking Ball (gaming)
RWBRauh Welt Begriff (German: Rough World Concept; Porsche tuner; Japan)
RWBRoommates with Benefits
RWBRenommierte Weingüter Burgenland (German: Renowned Weingueter Castle Country, German wine country)
RWBResponsive Workbench (3D interactive VR workspace)
RWBRefactoring Workbook (improving design of existing computer code.
RWBRotary Wash Brush
RWBRivers Without Borders
RWBResearch Work Book
RWBRheinisch-Westfaeli Berufskolleg (German technical school for hearing impaired)