Acronym | Definition |
RWB | Red/White/Blue |
RWB | Reporters Without Borders |
RWB | Royal Winnipeg Ballet |
RWB | Regular Wheel Base |
RWB | Red Wanting Blue (band) |
RWB | Red-Winged Blackbird (bird watching) |
RWB | Regional Workforce Board (various locations) |
RWB | Racing and Wagering Board |
RWB | Regular Wheelbase (automotive) |
RWB | Read-Write Buffer (computing) |
RWB | Royal Wrecking Ball (gaming) |
RWB | Rauh Welt Begriff (German: Rough World Concept; Porsche tuner; Japan) |
RWB | Roommates with Benefits |
RWB | Renommierte Weingüter Burgenland (German: Renowned Weingueter Castle Country, German wine country) |
RWB | Responsive Workbench (3D interactive VR workspace) |
RWB | Refactoring Workbook (improving design of existing computer code. |
RWB | Rotary Wash Brush |
RWB | Rivers Without Borders |
RWB | Research Work Book |
RWB | Rheinisch-Westfaeli Berufskolleg (German technical school for hearing impaired) |