Acronym | Definition |
RSI | Repetitive Strain Injury |
RSI | Relative Strength Index |
RSI | Roberts Space Industries (Los Angeles, CA) |
RSI | Repetitive Stress Injury |
RSI | Rehabilitation Services, Inc. (various locations) |
RSI | Régime Social des Indépendants |
RSI | Rogers Sugar Inc.(Canada) |
RSI | Roofing/Siding/Insulation (magazine) |
RSI | Radio Svizzera Italiana (Italian: Italian Swiss Radio) |
RSI | Rapid Sequence Intubation |
RSI | R-value (thermal resistance) Système International |
RSI | Regional System Integrators |
RSI | Rs422 Serial Interface |
RSI | Reused Source Instructions |
RSI | Relational Software Inc. |
RSI | Requests for Supplemental Information |
RSI | Runtime Schema Information |
RSI | Repetitive Strain Injuries |
RSI | Rapid Sequence Induction |
RSI | Relative Strength Indicator |
RSI | Research Services, Inc. (various locations) |
RSI | Required Supplementary Information (financial statements) |
RSI | Reference Safety Information |
RSI | Retorno Sobre Investimento (Portuguese: Return on Investment) |
RSI | Radiotelevisione Svizzera Di Lingua Italiana (Italian: Italian Language Radio, Switzerland) |
RSI | Retour sur Investissement (French: Return on Investment) |
RSI | Radio Singapore International |
RSI | Research Science Institute |
RSI | Règlement Sanitaire International (French: International Health Regulations; World Health Organization) |
RSI | Rice Space Institute (Rice University) |
RSI | Radarsat International |
RSI | Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability (US DoD) |
RSI | Religious Science International (Science of Mind) |
RSI | Resources, Science and Industry (various organizations) |
RSI | Racquet Sports Industry (publication; California) |
RSI | Remotely Sensed Imagery |
RSI | Radio Slovakia International |
RSI | Recycling Services Inc |
RSI | Response-Stimulus Interval (psychology) |
RSI | Roadway Safety Improvement (various locations) |
RSI | Roller Squad Institut (French roller skating club) |
RSI | Retirement and Survivors Insurance (Social Security Administration) |
RSI | Radio Satellite Integrators, Inc. |
RSI | Resort at Singer Island (Florida) |
RSI | Recherche en Soins Infirmiers (journal) |
RSI | Rockwell Software Inc. |
RSI | Residual Self-Image (The Matrix) |
RSI | Roadside Interview (transport survey method) |
RSI | Router Solutions, Inc. (various locations) |
RSI | Réseaux et Systèmes d'Information (French: Networks and Information Systems) |
RSI | Reusable Surface Insulation |
RSI | Resolution Systems Institute (Chicago, IL) |
RSI | Response-Service-Innovation, Inc. (Texas) |
RSI | Reimbursable Suitability Investigation (US OPM) |
RSI | Remote Site Incubator (fish hatchery) |
RSI | Remote Surface Inspection |
RSI | Request for Supplemental Information |
RSI | Resource Systems Institute |
RSI | Radiation Solutions Inc. (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) |
RSI | Research Summer Institute (MIT) |
RSI | Road Safety International |
RSI | Repubblica Sociale Italian (Italian: Fascist Italian Republic, Salò, Italy) |
RSI | Recovery Systems International (Charlotte, NC) |
RSI | Radiation Status Indicator |
RSI | Remote Status Indicator |
RSI | Resources Systems Inc |
RSI | Replication Server Interface |
RSI | Radial Scientific Instrument |
RSI | Replacement Stream Input |
RSI | Rajendra Singh - Institute |
RSI | Radar Sensitivity Improvement |
RSI | Record Status Indicator |
RSI | Receipt, Storage, & Issue |
RSI | Reel Start Institute |
RSI | Requirement Services Interface (testing methodology for use case analysis) |
RSI | Request Service Initiation Message (FIPS) |
RSI | Rick Stanley, Inc (New York, NY) |
RSI | Related Standardization Interoperability |
RSI | Reliance Surety & Insurance Company, Inc. (Manilla) |
RSI | Radiological Systems, Inc. |