RSORick Simpson Oil (cannabis oil extraction)
RSORadiation Safety Officer
RSORadio-Sinfonie-Orchester (German: Radio Symphony Orchestra)
RSORegistered Student Organization (various universities)
RSORegistered Sex Offender
RSORange Safety Officer
RSORemote Shared Object
RSORapid Scan Operation
RSORemote Spool Output
RSORecognized Service Organization (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod)
RSOResearch Services Office (various locations)
RSORegional Security Officer
RSORecognized Student Organization
RSORoanoke Symphony Orchestra (Roanoke, VA)
RSORent Stabilization Ordinance (housing)
RSOReactive search optimization (evolutionary computing technique)
RSORetirement Services Officer
RSORecognized Security Organization (International Maritime Organization ISPS code)
RSORoad Safety Officer (Australia)
RSORobert Stigwood Organization
RSOResearch and Statistics Office (various locations)
RSORegina Symphony Orchestra (Canada)
RSOReconnaissance Systems Officer
RSOReduced Sign-On
RSORobotic Service Orchestration (various companies)
RSORegional Sales Office
RSORainbow Symphony Orchestra (Paris, France)
RSORecovery Server Option
RSORalstonia Solanacearum
RSOResident Space Object
RSORadiological Safety Officer
RSORepeat Sex Offenders (band)
RSORohingya Solidarity Organization (Burma)
RSORegional Science Olympiad (education)
RSORegimental Supply Officer (US Navy)
RSORepublic South Ossetia
RSORegimental Signals Officer (UK)
RSORegistered Safety Officer (International Board of Environmental Health and Safety)
RSOReligious Support Office
RSORally Sport Ontario
RSORiverside County Sheriff's Office (California)
RSORemote Sales Officer
RSORapid Scan Operation (GOES satellite)
RSORailway Sub - Office
RSORetail Sales Officer
RSORegional Supply Office
RSORainbow Service Organization (Peterborough, ON, Canada gay rights and information)
RSORogers Sportsnet Ontario (Canadian TV station)
RSORefined Soybean Oil
RSOResident Surgical Officer
RSORough Stud Opening (construction)
RSORidgewood Symphony Orchestra (Ridgewood, NJ)
RSORemote Split Operations (military UAVs)
RSORadiology Services Online (Celina, TX)
RSORegional Service Officer
RSORailway Sorting Office
RSORechargement et Soudure de l'Ouest (French welding company)
RSOReconnaissance & Survey Officer
RSORemote Service Object
RSORight Salpingoophorectomy
RSORepeated Spike Oxidation
RSORevised Statute of Ontario (Canada)
RSOReservoir Surveillance Operations
RSOReported Significant Observation
RSORunway Supervisory Officer
RSORe-Entry Systems Operation
RSORegistered Student Organisation
RSOReusable Software Object
RSOROKA Staff Office
RSORavenna String Orchestra (Ravenna, OH)
RSOReserve Supplement Officer
RSOReconnaissance Staff Officer
RSORon Smolen Orchestra (Chicago, IL)
RSORelationship Service Officer (finance; various organizations)
RSORed Saber Order (gaming)
RSORegional Standards Organization
RSORoad Service Outfit (bright yellow motorbike and sidecar used by AA patrols up until the 1960's)
RSORural Sub - Office
RSORequirements Staff Officer (US DoD)
RSOReservation Service Officer
RSORemoval Services Overseas
RSOReturn Sales Order