SARFState Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia; est. 1992)
SARFSearch and Rescue Fund (reimbursement fund)
SARFSocial Amplification of Risk Framework
SARFSouth African Road Federation
SARFSystem Access Request Form
SARFSmall Arms Repair Facility (US Department of Homeland Security)
SARFSpecies Appropriate Raw Food (animal diet)
SARFSecurity Alarm Reporting Function
SARFSpatial Arrangement of backbone Fragments
SARFSpecial Access Required Facility
SARFSupercompactor & Recovery Facility
SARFStandard Amenity Recreation Fee (USFS)
SARFStudent Affairs Residential Fellow (education)
SARFSite Acquisition Request Form (various organizations)
SARFSociété Par Actions de Régime Fédéral (Canada, legal element of corporate name)