Acronym | Definition |
SARF | State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia; est. 1992) |
SARF | Search and Rescue Fund (reimbursement fund) |
SARF | Social Amplification of Risk Framework |
SARF | South African Road Federation |
SARF | System Access Request Form |
SARF | Small Arms Repair Facility (US Department of Homeland Security) |
SARF | Species Appropriate Raw Food (animal diet) |
SARF | Security Alarm Reporting Function |
SARF | Spatial Arrangement of backbone Fragments |
SARF | Special Access Required Facility |
SARF | Supercompactor & Recovery Facility |
SARF | Standard Amenity Recreation Fee (USFS) |
SARF | Student Affairs Residential Fellow (education) |
SARF | Site Acquisition Request Form (various organizations) |
SARF | Société Par Actions de Régime Fédéral (Canada, legal element of corporate name) |