SARPStowarzyszenie Architektow Polskich (Polish: Union of Polish Architects)
SARPSimple Atm Based Reservation Protocol
SARPPosadas (Argentina) International Airport
SARPSubstance Abuse Rehabilitation Program
SARPSoutheast Aquatic Resources Partnership (regional collaboration)
SARPService Availability and Recovery Plan
SARPSearch And Rescue Processor
SARPSafety Analysis Report for Packaging
SARPSecreted Apoptosis-Related Protein
SARPInternational Workshop on Software Architecture Research and Practice
SARPStandard and Recommended Practice (ICAO)
SARPSpouse Assault Replication Program
SARPSoldier Adaptive Reconditioning Program (Fort Knox, KY)
SARPSardine/Anchovy Recruitment Project (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; UNESCO)
SARPSmall Arms Repair Parts
SARPStrong Axiom of Revealed Preferences (Samuelson economics)
SARPSouth African Railway Police
SARPSan Andreas Role-Play (gaming; Grand Theft Auto)
SARPSystems Analysis and Simulation for Rice Production
SARPSignal Automatic Radar Processing
SARPSlyfield Area Regeneration Project (England, UK)
SARPShip Alteration & Repair Package
SARPSPAWAR Analysis Review Panel
SARPStanding against Religious Persecution (website)
SARPShip Alteration Requirement Plan
SARPSpace Analysis Resource Portal
SARPSexual Assault Response Policy
SARPStorage and Retrieval Processor
SARPSearch and Rescue Paramedic
SARPSale and Repurchase Contract