Acronym | Definition |
SARP | Stowarzyszenie Architektow Polskich (Polish: Union of Polish Architects) |
SARP | Simple Atm Based Reservation Protocol |
SARP | Posadas (Argentina) International Airport |
SARP | Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program |
SARP | Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (regional collaboration) |
SARP | Service Availability and Recovery Plan |
SARP | Search And Rescue Processor |
SARP | Safety Analysis Report for Packaging |
SARP | Secreted Apoptosis-Related Protein |
SARP | International Workshop on Software Architecture Research and Practice |
SARP | Standard and Recommended Practice (ICAO) |
SARP | Spouse Assault Replication Program |
SARP | Soldier Adaptive Reconditioning Program (Fort Knox, KY) |
SARP | Sardine/Anchovy Recruitment Project (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; UNESCO) |
SARP | Small Arms Repair Parts |
SARP | Strong Axiom of Revealed Preferences (Samuelson economics) |
SARP | South African Railway Police |
SARP | San Andreas Role-Play (gaming; Grand Theft Auto) |
SARP | Systems Analysis and Simulation for Rice Production |
SARP | Signal Automatic Radar Processing |
SARP | Slyfield Area Regeneration Project (England, UK) |
SARP | Ship Alteration & Repair Package |
SARP | SPAWAR Analysis Review Panel |
SARP | Standing against Religious Persecution (website) |
SARP | Ship Alteration Requirement Plan |
SARP | Space Analysis Resource Portal |
SARP | Sexual Assault Response Policy |
SARP | Storage and Retrieval Processor |
SARP | Search and Rescue Paramedic |
SARP | Sale and Repurchase Contract |