Acronym | Definition |
RIP | Requiescat In Pace (Latin: May He/She Rest in Peace) |
RIP | Rest in Peace |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
RIP | Research in Progress |
RIP | Rest in Paradise |
RIP | Recovery Is Possible (software) |
RIP | Rock Im Park (rock festival in Germany) |
RIP | Ride in Peace |
RIP | Rest in Pieces |
RIP | Rust in Peace |
RIP | Receptor-Interacting Protein (cell apoptosis) |
RIP | Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography (pulmonary ventilation) |
RIP | Regulation of Investigatory Powers (commerce regulations, UK) |
RIP | Réseaux d'Initiative Publique (French: Public Initiative Network) |
RIP | Remove Invasive Plants (Arlington, VA) |
RIP | Real Imaging Processor |
RIP | Routing Information Packet |
RIP | Router Information Protocol |
RIP | Remote Image Protocol |
RIP | Recover Is Possible |
RIP | Raster Image Processor |
RIP | Rest in Peas |
RIP | Reconnu d'Intérêt Pédagogique (French: Recognized Educational Interest; trademark of Ministry of National Education) |
RIP | Run In Place (aerobics/exercise) |
RIP | Ribosome-Inactivating Protein |
RIP | Relief In Place |
RIP | Rock in Peace (song title) |
RIP | Ruimte Innemend Proces (Dutch: Space Engaging Process) |
RIP | Rot in Pieces (band) |
RIP | Really Inspirational People |
RIP | Road Improvement Project (Bangladesh) |
RIP | Ranger Indoctrination Program |
RIP | Running Intersection Property (junction trees) |
RIP | Resin-In-Pulp |
RIP | REACH Implementation Project |
RIP | Really Into Partying |
RIP | Regular Investment Plan (various locations) |
RIP | Retirement Income Plan (finance) |
RIP | Repair In Place |
RIP | Residential Investment Property |
RIP | Read in Peace |
RIP | Riposi in Pace (Italian: Rest in Peace) |
RIP | Return If Possible |
RIP | Refractive Index Profile |
RIP | Ripped in Pieces (band) |
RIP | Remedies In Place |
RIP | Rehabilitation and Inspection Program (USACE) |
RIP | Read in Private |
RIP | Releve d'Identite Postale (French: statement of postal identity) |
RIP | Reduction in Personnel |
RIP | Retired In Place :-) |
RIP | Research Investigation Process (Analysis of Variance Science Education) |
RIP | Report on Individual Personnel (USAF) |
RIP | RCRA Implementation Plan |
RIP | Readiness Improvement Program |
RIP | Reactor Internal Pump (power plant) |
RIP | Reliability Improvement Program |
RIP | Rest In Proportion |
RIP | Return Instruction Pointer |
RIP | Raster Image Processor/Processing |
RIP | Routing Interchange Protocol |
RIP | Reduction Implementation Panel (US DoD) |
RIP | Raw in Process Inventory |
RIP | Raw In-Process |
RIP | Rapid Isothermal Processing |
RIP | Reparable Issue Point |
RIP | Request in Process |
RIP | Rapid Install Package (Altiris) |
RIP | Rise If Possible |
RIP | Régime Interprofessionnel de Prévoyance (French: Interprofessional Retirement Plan) |
RIP | Register of Intelligence Publications |
RIP | Radar Improvement Plan |
RIP | Received Isotropic Power |
RIP | Reflex Inhibiting Posture |
RIP | Recoverable Item Program |
RIP | Remote Indicator Panel |
RIP | Rolling Injection Planter |
RIP | Requirements Integration Panel |
RIP | Reconnaissance Information Point |
RIP | Remaining in Period |
RIP | Rapid Installation Plan/Phase |
RIP | Regulated Intramembrane Proteolyns |
RIP | Rate Image Processor |
RIP | Rapidly Induced Phosphatase |
RIP | Repair, Inspect, Paint (railroad) |
RIP | Rough In Point |