RIPRequiescat In Pace (Latin: May He/She Rest in Peace)
RIPRest in Peace
RIPRouting Information Protocol
RIPResearch in Progress
RIPRest in Paradise
RIPRecovery Is Possible (software)
RIPRock Im Park (rock festival in Germany)
RIPRide in Peace
RIPRest in Pieces
RIPRust in Peace
RIPReceptor-Interacting Protein (cell apoptosis)
RIPRespiratory Inductance Plethysmography (pulmonary ventilation)
RIPRegulation of Investigatory Powers (commerce regulations, UK)
RIPRéseaux d'Initiative Publique (French: Public Initiative Network)
RIPRemove Invasive Plants (Arlington, VA)
RIPReal Imaging Processor
RIPRouting Information Packet
RIPRouter Information Protocol
RIPRemote Image Protocol
RIPRecover Is Possible
RIPRaster Image Processor
RIPRest in Peas
RIPReconnu d'Intérêt Pédagogique (French: Recognized Educational Interest; trademark of Ministry of National Education)
RIPRun In Place (aerobics/exercise)
RIPRibosome-Inactivating Protein
RIPRelief In Place
RIPRock in Peace (song title)
RIPRuimte Innemend Proces (Dutch: Space Engaging Process)
RIPRot in Pieces (band)
RIPReally Inspirational People
RIPRoad Improvement Project (Bangladesh)
RIPRanger Indoctrination Program
RIPRunning Intersection Property (junction trees)
RIPREACH Implementation Project
RIPReally Into Partying
RIPRegular Investment Plan (various locations)
RIPRetirement Income Plan (finance)
RIPRepair In Place
RIPResidential Investment Property
RIPRead in Peace
RIPRiposi in Pace (Italian: Rest in Peace)
RIPReturn If Possible
RIPRefractive Index Profile
RIPRipped in Pieces (band)
RIPRemedies In Place
RIPRehabilitation and Inspection Program (USACE)
RIPRead in Private
RIPReleve d'Identite Postale (French: statement of postal identity)
RIPReduction in Personnel
RIPRetired In Place :-)
RIPResearch Investigation Process (Analysis of Variance Science Education)
RIPReport on Individual Personnel (USAF)
RIPRCRA Implementation Plan
RIPReadiness Improvement Program
RIPReactor Internal Pump (power plant)
RIPReliability Improvement Program
RIPRest In Proportion
RIPReturn Instruction Pointer
RIPRaster Image Processor/Processing
RIPRouting Interchange Protocol
RIPReduction Implementation Panel (US DoD)
RIPRaw in Process Inventory
RIPRaw In-Process
RIPRapid Isothermal Processing
RIPReparable Issue Point
RIPRequest in Process
RIPRapid Install Package (Altiris)
RIPRise If Possible
RIPRégime Interprofessionnel de Prévoyance (French: Interprofessional Retirement Plan)
RIPRegister of Intelligence Publications
RIPRadar Improvement Plan
RIPReceived Isotropic Power
RIPReflex Inhibiting Posture
RIPRecoverable Item Program
RIPRemote Indicator Panel
RIPRolling Injection Planter
RIPRequirements Integration Panel
RIPReconnaissance Information Point
RIPRemaining in Period
RIPRapid Installation Plan/Phase
RIPRegulated Intramembrane Proteolyns
RIPRate Image Processor
RIPRapidly Induced Phosphatase
RIPRepair, Inspect, Paint (railroad)
RIPRough In Point