RIPARegulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (UK government)
RIPAReusable Industrial Packaging Association
RIPAristocetin-induced platelet aggregation
RIPARoyal Institute of Public Administration (United Kingdom)
RIPARadio Immunoprecipitation Assay
RIPARoss Information Processing Assessment (cognitive test)
RIPARwanda Investment Promotion Agency
RIPARochester Individual Practice Association, Inc.
RIPARochester Independent Practice Association (New York)
RIPARhode Island Psychological Association
RIPARhode Island Pharmacists Association
RIPARhode Island Paralegal Association
RIPAResearch into Paranormal Anomalistics (UK)
RIPARhode Island Pilots Association (Warwick, RI)
RIPARhode Island Port Authority
RIPARhode Island Petroleum Association
RIPARegistered Infrastructure Preparedness Associate
RIPARegisters in Probate Association
RIPARye India Pale Ale