Acronym | Definition |
RIPA | Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (UK government) |
RIPA | Reusable Industrial Packaging Association |
RIPA | ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation |
RIPA | Royal Institute of Public Administration (United Kingdom) |
RIPA | Radio Immunoprecipitation Assay |
RIPA | Ross Information Processing Assessment (cognitive test) |
RIPA | Rwanda Investment Promotion Agency |
RIPA | Rochester Individual Practice Association, Inc. |
RIPA | Rochester Independent Practice Association (New York) |
RIPA | Rhode Island Psychological Association |
RIPA | Rhode Island Pharmacists Association |
RIPA | Rhode Island Paralegal Association |
RIPA | Research into Paranormal Anomalistics (UK) |
RIPA | Rhode Island Pilots Association (Warwick, RI) |
RIPA | Rhode Island Port Authority |
RIPA | Rhode Island Petroleum Association |
RIPA | Registered Infrastructure Preparedness Associate |
RIPA | Registers in Probate Association |
RIPA | Rye India Pale Ale |