SPASStudent Programs and Services (various schools)
SPASSchool of Pacific and Asian Studies (est. 1986; University of Hawaii at Manoa)
SPASShuttle Pallet Satellite (NASA)
SPASSporting Purpose Automatic Shotgun (Franchi)
SPASSafety Performance Analysis System (FAA system to record airline data)
SPASSpecial Purpose Automatic Shotgun
SPASSchool of Photographic Arts and Sciences
SPASSpecial Purpose Assault Shotgun (airsoft weapon)
SPASStored Procedure Address Space (IBM DB2 UDB on MVS)
SPASSpace Pallet Satellite
SPASSecurity Police Automated System
SPASSchool of Professional and Area Studies
SPASChambre Syndicale des Producteurs d'Aciers Fins et Spéciaux (French: Union Chamber of Producers and Special Purpose Steels; EU)
SPASSignal Passed At Stop
SPASStandard Procurement Appropriation System
SPASServices Peering and Aggregation Server