SOFAStatus Of Forces Agreement (NATO, DOD)
SOFAState of the First Amendment (US Constitution)
SOFASecretary of the Army
SOFASculpture, Objects, Functional Art
SOFASchool of Fine Arts (Indiana University)
SOFASequential Organ Failure Assessment
SOFASepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment
SOFAStatement of Financial Activities
SOFAStatement of Financial Affairs (bankruptcy court)
SOFAStudy on Omega-3 Fatty Acids and ventricular Arrhythmia
SOFASolidarité Fanm Ayisyen (French: Haitian Women in Solidarity)
SOFASociety of Financial Advisers
SOFASoftware Appliances
SOFAStandards of Fundamental Astronomy
SOFASoft Computing Applications (IEEE International Workshop)
SOFAStatement of Funds Available
SOFASeed Oil Fatty Acids
SOFASeparated Over Fire Air
SOFASelectable Optical Filter Assembly
SOFAShared Offshore Foraging Area (marine biology)
SOFASafety Oriented First Aid
SOFASouthern Offshore Fishing Association, Inc. (Florida, USA)
SOFASend Out for Approval
SOFASogn Og Fjordane Arkitektlag (Norwegian architecture company)
SOFAStanding Order File Amendment (UK)