SEARCHStudy of Environmental Arctic Change (University of Washington Applied Physics Lab; Seattle, WA)
SEARCHServitude and Emancipation Archival Research Clearinghouse
SEARCHSupernatural Entity Anomaly Research & Cryptid Hunters
SEARCHSelf-Employed Arts-Related Contractors for Hire (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
SEARCHSouthwestern Endangered Aridland Resource Clearing House
SEARCHSearch Envisioned As Relation & Class Hierarchizing (black box optimization framework)
SEARCHScan, Examine, Act, Review, Connect, and Hunt (reading strategy)
SEARCHSystem for the Electronic Analysis and Retrieval of Criminal Histories (now the National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics)
SEARCHSexism, Ethnicity, Ageism, Racism, Culturalism, and Homophobia
SEARCHStand-Off Detection Early Warning Agents of Biological Origin, Radiological Chemical System
SEARCHSpecial Education And Research for Children
SEARCHStrategic Extraction and Analysis of Recent Credit History
SEARCHSoutheast Alberta Racial and Community Harmony Society (Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada)
SEARCHSeek, Evaluate, Analyze, Research, Challenge, and Hypothesize (education)
SEARCHStudents Exploring Academic Reaching Creative Horizons