Acronym | Definition |
SN | Serial Number |
SN | Stannum (tin) |
SN | Signal-Noise (ratio) |
SN | Saturday Night (various organizations) |
SN | Soon (amateur radio) |
SN | Singapore |
SN | Snow (METAR precipitation) |
SN | Sierra Nevada |
SN | Sequence Number |
SN | Science News |
SN | Sonora (Guatemalan radio station) |
SN | Social Networking |
SN | Surname (genealogy) |
SN | Space Network |
SN | Supernatural |
SN | Symantec Norton (software) |
SN | Screen Name |
SN | Seaman (USCG, USN) |
SN | Swindon (postcode, United Kingdom) |
SN | Sans Nom |
SN | Subscriber Number |
SN | Sabena (Belgian World Airlines) |
SN | Sintagma Nominal (Spanish language term) |
SN | Steve Nash (NBA player) |
SN | Stock Number |
SN | Skilled Nursing |
SN | Side Note |
SN | Super Nova |
SN | Substantia Nigra (neuroanatomy) |
SN | Safety Notice (various companies) |
SN | Super Nintendo |
SN | Suicide Note |
SN | Secretary of the Navy |
SN | Samyutta Nikaya (Buddhist texts) |
SN | Service Number |
SN | Standard Number |
SN | Screenname (usually AOL) |
SN | Staff Nurse |
SN | Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac musician) |
SN | Satellite Navigation |
SN | Semantic Network |
SN | Structural Number (highway engineering) |
SN | Sacramento Northern (railroad) |
SN | Solar Neutrino |
SN | Super Nice |
SN | Student Nurse |
SN | Service Node |
SN | Special Need (adoptions) |
SN | Switching Network |
SN | Sigma Nu (fraternity) |
SN | Sûreté Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Safety) |
SN | Sports Night (TV show) |
SN | Server Node |
SN | Serum Neutralization |
SN | Succinonitrile |
SN | Sialoadhesin |
SN | Space Needle (Seattle, Washington) |
SN | Super Node |
SN | Sûreté Nationale (French: National Security) |
SN | Soup Nazi (Seinfeld episode) |
SN | Seat Nipple |
SN | Surgical Nurse |
SN | Shipping Note |
SN | Sir Name (LDAP or Directory Servers) |
SN | Singing News (southern gospel magazine) |
SN | Stiffness Nominal |
SN | Steeler Nation (sports website) |
SN | Sthene (measure of force) |
SN | Shared-Nothing Architecture (distributed computing architecture) |
SN | Skilled Nurse |
SN | Sem Número (Portuguese: having no number; postal usage) |
SN | Soil Nail (construction) |
SN | SorceryNet (IRC network) |
SN | Shipping Noise |
SN | Subjunctive Normal |
SN | Separation Number (chromatography) |
SN | Subnova (website) |
SN | Secundum Naturam (according to nature) |
SN | Sending Nation |
SN | Slurry Nebulization (spectroscopy) |
SN | Strategic Navigation |
SN | Sveriges Naturvetareförbund (Nacka, Sweden) |
SN | Source Nursery |
SN | Shepherd Nick (website) |
SN | Saucy Nipples (ARC gaming clan) |
SN | Skule Nite (University of Toronto) |
SN | Structural Notation |
SN | Synchronization Node |
SN | Slot Neighbor |
SN | Portable Surface Search Radar (US Navy) |
SN | Salutami 'Ntonio (Frisbee Ultimate Club di Milano) |
SN | Superconducting Normally (conducting) |