Acronym | Definition |
SNB | Southern National Bank (various locations) |
SNB | Swiss National Bank (est. 1907) |
SNB | Snowboard |
SNB | San Bernardino (Amtrak station code; San Bernardino, CA) |
SNB | Secret Nuclear Bunker (UK) |
SNB | Stagonospora Nodorum Blotch (disease) |
SNB | Sentinel Node Biopsy |
SNB | Service New Brunswick |
SNB | Saddle Node Bifurcation |
SNB | Symphony New Brunswick (Canada) |
SNB | Sierra Nevada Batholith (California) |
SNB | Shake and Bake (algorithm) |
SNB | Special Negotiating Body |
SNB | Singapore Nursing Board |
SNB | Stratégie Nationale pour La Biodiversité (French: National Strategy for Biodiversity; est. 2004) |
SNB | Short Bed Stepside (trucks) |
SNB | Service Nouveau-Brunswick (French: Service New Brunswick; Canada) |
SNB | Syndicat National de La Banque et du Crédit (French: National Bank and Credit Union) |
SNB | Sport Nautique Bisontin (French water sports club) |
SNB | Syndicat National des Basketteurs (French: National Union of Basketball Players; est. 1988) |
SNB | Société Nautique de Bandol (French: Bandol Boating Society) |
SNB | Strictly Non-Blocking |
SNB | Sierra Nevada Brewing Company (California) |
SNB | See Notes Below |
SNB | Surface Nuclear Burst |
SNB | Strengths/Needs-Based (Department of Human Services) |
SNB | Sprawl 'n' Brawl (fighting tactic) |
SNB | Shipped-Not-Billed |
SNB | Société Nouvelle Boude (French public works company) |
SNB | Sella-Nasion-Supramentale (Cephalometrics, aka Point B) |
SNB | Storage Network Backbone (Sandial) |
SNB | State Nursing Board (various locations) |
SNB | Schweizerische Nazionalbank (Swiss National Bank) |
SNB | Société Nouvelle Barberot (French restoration company) |
SNB | Société Nouvelle Bloch (French construction company) |
SNB | Société Nouvelle Brunereau (French: New Company Brunereau; France) |
SNB | Section Noiséenne de Badminton (French badminton club) |
SNB | Sports Nautiques Brevinois (French: Water Sports Brevinois; France) |