Acronym | Definition |
SNC | St Norbert College (De Pere, Wisconsin) |
SNC | Société en Nom Collectif (French: Partnership) |
SNC | Sierra Nevada Corporation (Sparks, NV) |
SNC | Sistema Nervioso Central |
SNC | Second National Communication (environment) |
SNC | Straight No Chaser (Bloomington, Indiana based all male A Capella group) |
SNC | Système Nerveux Central (French: central nervous system) |
SNC | South Northamptonshire Council (UK) |
SNC | Subnetwork Connections |
SNC | Significant Non Compliers |
SNC | Storage Networking Controller |
SNC | Statement of Net Cost |
SNC | Supply Network Collaboration |
SNC | Sierra Nevada College (est. 1969) |
SNC | Social Networking Community (various organizations) |
SNC | Società in Nome Collettivo (Italian: Partnership) |
SNC | South Norfolk Council (UK) |
SNC | Special National Conditions (various organizations) |
SNC | Significant Noncompliance |
SNC | Secure Network Communication |
SNC | Sierra Nevada Conservancy (California) |
SNC | Semaine Nationale de La Culture (French: National Week of Culture; Burkina Faso) |
SNC | Solidarités Nouvelles Face Au Chômage (French: New Solidarity in the Face of Unemployment; est. 1985) |
SNC | Shared National Credit (US bank examiners) |
SNC | Swimming/Natation Canada (governing body for swimming in Canada) |
SNC | Single Nucleotide Change (biotechnology) |
SNC | Serious Non-Compliance (Australia) |
SNC | Societate in Nume Colectiv (Romanian: Partnership) |
SNC | Symbolic-Numeric Computation |
SNC | Skilled Nursing Care |
SNC | Subnetwork Connection (SDH) |
SNC | Substantia Nigra Compacta (neurons) |
SNC | Special Needs Class (various schools) |
SNC | Significant Noncompliers |
SNC | Small Noncleaved Cell |
SNC | Secure Network Chat (text chat solution) |
SNC | School Nurse Certificate |
SNC | Scottish National Certificate (Scotland, UK) |
SNC | Special Needs Coordinator |
SNC | Strategic Nuclear Command (India) |
SNC | Shergottites-Nakhlites-Chassignites |
SNC | Summer National Championships (swimming) |
SNC | Solstice Network Client (computing) |
SNC | Société Nigérienne de Cimenterie (French) |
SNC | Sport Nutrition Center (various locations) |
SNC | System Network Controller |
SNC | Société Nationale de Colombiculture (French: National Society of Colombiculture; est. 1901) |
SNC | Systèmes Navals Complexes (French: Complex Naval Systems) |
SNC | Storage Networking Controller (computer networking) |
SNC | Syndicat National des Collèges (French: National Union of Colleges) |
SNC | Société Nautique de La Ciotat (French: Ciotat Boating Society; France) |
SNC | School of Natural Cookery (Boulder, Colorado) |
SNC | Syndication Networks Corporation (Illiniois) |
SNC | Satellite Network Controller |
SNC | Sree Narayana College (Kerala, India) |
SNC | Save Nilgiris Campaign (India) |
SNC | Space Network Control |
SNC | Saturday Night Crew (Twin Cities area furries) |
SNC | Special Naval Chart |
SNC | Ship Noise Control |
SNC | Services Nationaux du Contentieux |
SNC | Sweet Nothing Clothes (Etsy) |
SNC | Soomra National Council Pakistan |
SNC | State Normal College (Albany, NY) |
SNC | Surveyer Nenniger & Chênevert, Inc. (now SNC-Lavalin; Canadian engineering firm) |
SNC | Spider Net Cafe |
SNC | SATCOM Network Controller |
SNC | Symbol Non-Coherent (Model) |
SNC | Stochastic Neural Computing/Computation |
SNC | San Franicsco Capistrano, California (Amtrak station code; San Francisco, CA) |
SNC | Standard National Contract (Oman Airports) |
SNC | Sociedad de Nombre Colectivo (Italian) |
SNC | Surf N Call |
SNC | Spectral-Null Code |
SNC | Stock Number Code |
SNC | SWPS Network Control |
SNC | Schedule Notification Center |