SAILSteel Authority of India Limited (Indian government subsidiary)
SAILStudy Abroad in London (London, UK)
SAILSingle Alternative Inspection Location (UK)
SAILShuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory
SAILStanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
SAILSenior Adult Independent Living (various organizations)
SAILSelf-Aligned Imprint Lithography
SAILStanford Artificial Intelligence Language
SAILSeniors Abuse and Information Line (Canada)
SAILState Apartment Incentive Loan Program
SAILSupport and Information Line
SAILSurface/Aviation Interoperability Laboratory (US Navy NAVAIR, Patuxent River, MD)
SAILScalable Architecture for Interactive Learning
SAILSerial ASCII Interface Loop
SAILSpecial Analyzed Image Littoral List (Naval Oceanographic Office)
SAILStudents Against Insensitive Language
SAILSelf Acceptance Is Life
SAILSoftware Architecture Integration Library (GST Telecom)
SAILSystem For Automated Integrated Logistics
SAILSecure Automobile Inspection Lanes
SAILShip's Armament Inventory List
SAILSecretary of the Army, Installations, Logistics, & Environment
SAILSupportive Approaches to Innovative Learning (Ontario, Canada)