Acronym | Definition |
SAIL | Steel Authority of India Limited (Indian government subsidiary) |
SAIL | Study Abroad in London (London, UK) |
SAIL | Single Alternative Inspection Location (UK) |
SAIL | Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory |
SAIL | Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory |
SAIL | Senior Adult Independent Living (various organizations) |
SAIL | Self-Aligned Imprint Lithography |
SAIL | Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language |
SAIL | Seniors Abuse and Information Line (Canada) |
SAIL | State Apartment Incentive Loan Program |
SAIL | Support and Information Line |
SAIL | Surface/Aviation Interoperability Laboratory (US Navy NAVAIR, Patuxent River, MD) |
SAIL | Scalable Architecture for Interactive Learning |
SAIL | Serial ASCII Interface Loop |
SAIL | Special Analyzed Image Littoral List (Naval Oceanographic Office) |
SAIL | Students Against Insensitive Language |
SAIL | Self Acceptance Is Life |
SAIL | Software Architecture Integration Library (GST Telecom) |
SAIL | System For Automated Integrated Logistics |
SAIL | Secure Automobile Inspection Lanes |
SAIL | Ship's Armament Inventory List |
SAIL | Secretary of the Army, Installations, Logistics, & Environment |
SAIL | Supportive Approaches to Innovative Learning (Ontario, Canada) |