Acronym | Definition |
SCI | Science |
SCI | Sensitive Compartmented Information (US government classified information) |
SCI | Safari Club International |
SCI | Service Corporation International |
SCI | Spinal Cord Injury |
SCI | Science Citation Index (Institute for Scientific Information) |
SCI | String Cheese Incident (band) |
SCI | Studies in Computational Intelligence (journal; Springer) |
SCI | Shipping Corporation of India |
SCI | Society of Chemical Industry (also seen as SOCI; UK) |
SCI | Statement of Community Involvement (UK) |
SCI | Starbucks Coffee International (various locations) |
SCI | Societe Civile Immobiliere (French legal status for firms) |
SCI | Service Civil International |
SCI | Sister Cities International |
SCI | Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics |
SCI | State Correctional Institution (various states) |
SCI | Southern Careers Institute (Texas) |
SCI | Societies of Commerce and Industry (Japan) |
SCI | Steel Construction Institute |
SCI | Strategic Capital Investments (various locations) |
SCI | Scientific Computing and Imaging (University of Utah) |
SCI | Supply Chain Initiative |
SCI | Social Change Institute |
SCI | Swedish Cancer Institute (Seattle, WA) |
SCI | Società Chimica Italiana (Italian: Italian Chemical Society) |
SCI | Shanghai Composite Index |
SCI | Site of Community Importance (EU Habitats Directive) |
SCI | Subaru Canada, Inc. (vehicles) |
SCI | Scalable Coherent Interface |
SCI | Stem Cell Initiative (various locations) |
SCI | Social Cohesion and Identity (Human Sciences Research Council; South Africa) |
SCI | Scotia Capital, Inc. (Nova Scotia; Canada) |
SCI | Soc.Culture.Indian (newsgroup) |
SCI | Simmons & Company International (Houston, TX) |
SCI | Santa Catalina Island (California, USA) |
SCI | Skate Canada International (competition) |
SCI | Servizio Civile Internazionale (Italian: International Civil Service) |
SCI | Stone Care International (Bellingham, WA) |
SCI | Strategic Consulting International (Tulsa, OK) |
SCI | St. Catherines Island (Georgia) |
SCI | System Call Interface (computer programming) |
SCI | Secondary and Cumulative Impacts (various locations) |
SCI | Secure Client Interface |
SCI | Special Compartmentalized Information |
SCI | Subaru Canada Inc. |
SCI | Special Circumstance Instructions |
SCI | Spark Common Rail Injection |
SCI | Slot Cycle Index |
SCI | System Control Interrupt |
SCI | Single Character Introducer |
SCI | System Configuration Information |
SCI | Small Computer Interface |
SCI | Surface Charge Image |
SCI | Scientific |
SCI | Smart Charge Injection |
SCI | Shopping Cart Interface |
SCI | Serial Communications Interface |
SCI | Solar Cookers International |
SCI | Structured Cabling Installations (Grimes, IA) |
SCI | Software Consultants, Inc. (various locations) |
SCI | San Clemente Island (California) |
SCI | Scholarly Communication Institute (various schools) |
SCI | Supply Chain Integration |
SCI | Social Capital Initiative (World Bank) |
SCI | Skilled Care Initiative (various locations) |
SCI | Sales Curve Interactive |
SCI | Sushi Chef Institute (Los Angeles, CA) |
SCI | Sport Club Internacional |
SCI | Shopping Cart Interface (software) |
SCI | Systems Concepts and Integration (NATO) |
SCI | Statement of Corporate Intent (operations agreement) |
SCI | Special Compartmented Information |
SCI | Scalable Coherent Interconnect |
SCI | Scaled Composites, Inc. (Mojave, CA) |
SCI | Strategic Corporate Initiative (est. 2005) |
SCI | Software Configuration Item |
SCI | Surface Charge Imaging |
SCI | Sumitomo Chemical Italia (Italian chemical company) |
SCI | Sierra Creative Interpreter |
SCI | Structured Credit Investor (UK) |
SCI | Southeast Cybercrime Institute (Kennesaw State University; Georgia) |
SCI | Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence |
SCI | Swedish Corrosion Institute |
SCI | Special Crash Investigation |
SCI | Service Charge Information |
SCI | Smart Commute Initiative (various locations) |
SCI | Share Capital Increase (stock value) |
SCI | Stream Condition Index (ecology) |
SCI | Safe City Initiative (various locations) |
SCI | Software Configuration Index |
SCI | SciFi Communications International |
SCI | Sinai Consulting Inc (Granger, IN) |
SCI | Scotland's Colleges International (UK) |
SCI | SAAB (Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget) Club Italia (Italian car club) |
SCI | Sequential Circuits Inc. (California) |
SCI | Steven Counts, Inc. (Summerfield, FL) |
SCI | Southern Cross International |
SCI | Sputtering Components, Inc. (various locations) |
SCI | Sensibilité aux Conditions Initiales (French: sensitivity to initial conditions) |
SCI | Service Canada Initiative |
SCI | Superior Contribution Increase (FAA Core Compensation System) |
SCI | Software Configuration Identification |
SCI | Subscriber Controlled Input (Siemens) |
SCI | Speaking Circles International |
SCI | Sharing with Complete Information |
SCI | Security Clearance Interim |
SCI | Significant Cost Impact |
SCI | Single-Column Inch |
SCI | Safety Critical Item |
SCI | Surrender Cost Index (insurance) |
SCI | Service Contractors, Inc. |
SCI | Supplemental Card Indicator |
SCI | Ship Controlled Intercept |
SCI | Spore Coloration Index (geochemistry) |
SCI | Stratospheric Circulation Model |
SCI | Standard Components Inc. (Sterling Heights, MI) |
SCI | Sea Containers Inc. |
SCI | Strategic Council for Innovation |
SCI | Support Collectors, Inc. |
SCI | Switch Communication Interface (AT&T) |
SCI | Ministerial Committee on Science Policy (UK) |
SCI | Space Craft Incorporated |
SCI | Specification Change Index |
SCI | Special Control Item |
SCI | Super Computer Incorporated |
SCI | Source Code Identifier (military intelligence) |
SCI | Stratus Computer Incorporated |
SCI | Support Coordinating Installation |
SCI | Subscriber Circuit Interface |
SCI | Special Circumstance Instruction (legal) |