RSVRespiratory Syncytial Virus
RSVRoseville (Amtrak station code; Roseville, CA)
RSVRous Sarcoma Virus
RSVRainbow Six Vegas (game)
RSVResearch Safety Vehicle
RSVRecord Sequential Variable
RSVRiksskatteverket (Swedish: National Tax Board)
RSVRéseau Santé Valais (French: Valais Health Network; Switzerland)
RSVRevised Standard Versions (of the Bible )
RSVRetired Senior Volunteer (various organizations)
RSVRetrieval Status Value
RSVRicoh Silicon Valley
RSVRagged Stunt Virus
RSVRight Subclavian Vein
RSVRemote Survey Vehicle
RSVRiktad Sprängverkan
RSVReed Solomon Viterbi
RSVResearch and Supply Vessel
RSVReparation Superieur a la Valeur (French)
RSVRoller Skating Vandoeuvre (French roller skating club)
RSVReadiness Skills Verification
RSVRegurgitant Stroke Volume
RSVRevrendissima Signoria Vostra (Italian: Your Most Reverend Lordship, Codices and Manuscripts)
RSVRe-Supply Vehicles
RSVRear Solenoid Valve
RSVReconnaissance Scout Vehicle
RSVRunning Sum Variation
RSVRandom Steering Vector