Acronym | Definition |
RSVP | Répondez S'il Vous Plaît (French: Reply, If You Please; commonly seen on invitations) |
RSVP | Retired and Senior Volunteer Program |
RSVP | ReSerVation Protocol |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol |
RSVP | Rapid Serial Visual Presentation |
RSVP | Regional Smoking Vehicle Program (Texas) |
RSVP | Refund Support Vocations Program (Knights of Columbus) |
RSVP | Regional Senior Vice President (various companies) |
RSVP | Relief Services for Veterinary Practitioners (est. 1992) |
RSVP | Research Society for Victorian Periodicals |
RSVP | Rare Symmetry Violating Processes |
RSVP | Renewables for Sustainable Village Power |
RSVP | Resolve to Stop the Violence Project |
RSVP | Rice Student Volunteer Program (Rice University) |
RSVP | Raising Student Voice and Participation |
RSVP | Resources for Sexual Violence Prevention (University of Chicago) |
RSVP | Responsible Social Values Program |
RSVP | Restoring Social Virtue and Purity (advocacy) |
RSVP | Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party |
RSVP | Respond So Very Promptly (satire) |
RSVP | Reconstructive Surgeons Volunteer Program |
RSVP | Reduced Ships Crew by Virtual Presence (US Navy) |
RSVP | Rhythm Speed Volume Pitch (communications) |
RSVP | Research Study Volunteer Program |
RSVP | Research and Supercomputing Visitor Program (National Center for Atmospheric Research) |
RSVP | Recognize Success Via Implementation |
RSVP | Root Specific Vocabulary Puzzles |
RSVP | Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (book) |
RSVP | Rapid Syndrome Validation Program |
RSVP | Residential Street Vitality Program |
RSVP | Retirement Supplemental Voluntary Program |
RSVP | Readiness Skills Verification Program (US Air Force) |
RSVP | Rapid Service Voice Processing |
RSVP | Rotating Surveillance Vehicle Platform |
RSVP | Rating Site Value Points |
RSVP | Reinforcing Safety Values in People |
RSVP | Register, Select, Vote and Protect Your Vote |
RSVP | Retrieve Sound Velocity Profile |
RSVP | Reports Scenario Verification Program |
RSVP | Restartable Solid Variable Pulse (rocket motor) |