ROBReport on Business
ROBRules of Behavior (various organizations)
ROBRegional Office Building (various locations)
ROBRoll Over Beethoven (song)
ROBRoyal Observatory of Belgium
ROBRemote Order Buffer
ROBReadout Boards
ROBReadout Buffer
ROBRijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek
ROBRight on Brother
ROBReview of Business
ROBRoad Over Bridge
ROBReigns of Battlefield (video game)
ROBRetard-O-Bot (band)
ROBRemains on Board (sludge or liquid oil in tanks)
ROBRobotic Operating Buddy
ROBRe-Order Buffer
ROBRhythm of Business
ROBRhine Ordnance Barracks (Vogelweh-Kaiserslautern Germany)
ROBRestriction on Bail (UK)
ROBRest of Board (electronics, less important PCB components)
ROBRegionale Omroep Brabant
ROBReserve On Board
ROBRadar Order of Battle
ROBRusthuis Voor Bejaarden (Dutch: Rest Home for the Elderly; Belgium)
ROBReach of Budget
ROBRound of Beam
ROBRégion Ornithologique de Bretagne (French amateur bird breeders association)
ROBRadar Coded Observation
ROBRenewal of Bridges
ROBRandom Omnipotent Being
ROBRight Out Board (location of aircraft underwing pylons)
ROBRobertsfield International Airport, Harbel, Liberia
ROBRailway Operations Battalion (US Army)